
Determination today equals satisfaction tonight Note: this blog was originally published in 2011 but was updated May 25th 2017 [caption id="attachment_1225" align="alignright" width="143"] Natalie Jill Fitness[/caption] Go through today with DETERMINATION if you want to end today with SATISFACTION . We hear it, but how do we live...

Staying in control while grocery shopping   [caption id="" align="alignright" width="146"] Natalie Jill Fitness[/caption] Grocery shopping can be overwhelming ESPECIALLY when trying to eat healthy. We already have enough shopping to do without having to stress out about our meal and snack preparations. Grocery shopping can be quick,...

**Although this blog was originally published in 2011 it was updated in April 2018** There is no acceptable excuse not to eat healthy…. [caption id="attachment_1173" align="alignright" width="115"] Natalie Jill Fitness[/caption] The excuses are out there! "You can’t eat healthy because you are traveling, have no control over what...

Feel Slimmer With an iTan Shimmer Who doesn't want to feel better about themselves?  iTan - Our image of ourselves plays such a huge role in how we feel, what we do, and how we come off to other people. When we feel uncomfortable in our...

Got Abs? **NOTE**: This article and video were done two years ago. I have DRAMATICALLY changed my stance on abs and crunches since writing this blog and recording this video.  Please check out my back pain article HERE as well as my newer AB article HERE...

GOAL Accomplishment! [caption id="attachment_699" align="alignleft" width="112"] natalie jill fitness[/caption] Goal Accomplishment - Why is it that so many quit, lose interest or never even fully begin their goal intentions while others seem to accomplish everything they announce they want to go after? The key ingredient to accomplishing goals...