
The Fascination With Booties Let’s talk BACKSIDE. Booty, peach, bumm, rear, tush, tuckkkus (in my Yiddish accent lol no idea how to spell it) It’s trendy now. Big 🍑 It wasn’t trendy in my 20s, 30s or earlier 40s. In fact people used to message me asking how...

Candid Conversation about Stress, Hypnotherapy and Today’s World Events with Kiné Corder Kiné Corder is a National Certified Counselor, international speaker, and the world’s #1 clinical hypnotherapist specializing in financial therapy and stress management. Kiné created a financial therapy program that combines hypnosis, talk therapy, and...

Other People’s Opinions You are getting too old they said The injuries will stop you they said You can’t they said Accept things they said Who is “they” and why do we let their opinions distract us? Other people’s opinions won’t help you live up to your fullest potential. Don’t ignore the...