
Woot it's Friday! And that means another fun filled edition of your weekly Notes with Natalie - delivering all of the weekly highlights to your inbox! How to Turn Set Backs into Successes STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP! I get it. You’ve had a massive “setback” and you are in serious...

Do you want to turn your setbacks into successes? Things I’ve Learned Transform Your Reality Setback to Success Step number ONE: STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP! I get it. You’ve had a massive “setback” and you are in serious self beat up comparing your current self to your past self...

The Number One Step to Making a Change It’s not just the “diet” “workout move” or “supplement” that stuff is the smallest part of the equation. This is why I’m walking into something bigger and more critical. Watch below! Let go of the control, shift and learn to...