12 Dec Life of Bean
Dear Beanie Weanie, Thank you for blessing me with 13 amazing years. You were my first baby, my best friend, and my first experience of true unconditional love. I miss you so much ...
Dear Beanie Weanie, Thank you for blessing me with 13 amazing years. You were my first baby, my best friend, and my first experience of true unconditional love. I miss you so much ...
I spent last week in Nicaragua building homes and feeding 250 people Last week's trip changed my life. It was a two part trip- one part SERVE, the other part SURF. I honestly did not know what to expect before the trip so I did not "think"...
Eat Fat, Get Thin - 4 Simple Steps to Detoxify Your Kitchen This is a guest blog brought to you by New York Times Best Selling Author, Mark Hyman, MD. Mark Hyman, had an instant New York Times bestseller called Eat Fat, Get Thin. This book...
Natalie Jill Recognized as top fitness blogger Top 25 Fit Blogger! Oh my! I always feel so incredibly honored when I am recognized as a leader in the fitness industry -- and to be recognized as a top fitness blogger! To know that you choose ME to...
How Making Choices and Deciding Leads to Success...
Rock bottom isn't the place to lose hope You guys! You know I love sharing my story with you on how losing everything doesn't mean you have to lose hope. So I particularly loved the fact that I was able to contribute to a feature in...
Fabio Viviani's Know-How Magazine - From corporate, to rock bottom, to dream job! Hi Guys! This is SO COOL! I had a cover feature in celebrity chef, Fabio Viviani's, Know-How magazine discussing how it's possible to turn around from rock bottom! In this edition of Fabio Vivianis Know-How...
Eat for Fat Loss! In the Kitchen with Clean Food Crush In the kitchen with Rachel Maser from Clean Food Crush cooking yummy, healthy, delicious food that you can eat for fat loss! Healthy doesn't have to mean BORING! A lot of you may know her...
5 Food Rules To Stay Energetic, Lean, Healthy I specialize in helping people lose weight, keep it off and stay at their absolute best. A common question I get is about my food rules and my thoughts about dieting and meal plans. So, I came up with...
Change the hours you're eating for superhero energy levels! To take the free virtual training with Ari, click HERE! A lot of us turn to using supplements and even coffee for energy to help us get through the day. BUT, did you know that the time frame...
Get the weight off right now! I've been there...
Chicken Berry Salad Too hot to cook? No problem! Whip up this healthy, cool, tasty Chicken Berry Salad in no time! [caption id="attachment_27922" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Click to Pin It![/caption] Ingredients: 4 cups spinach ½ cup strawberries ½ cup blueberries 2 tbsp goat cheese 2 tbsp sliced almonds 4, 4-6oz chicken breast, grilled earlier, shredded...