
How to Organize Your Life The struggle is REAL!!! Staying on top of things and staying organized can be quite a messy situation :) Who has the time to be organized between their jobs, school drop offs (& pick ups), soccer practice, cooking, cleaning, packing lunches, etc?...

How to say NO Do you have FOMO? FOMO stands for Fear Of Missing Out. I am a recovering FOMO person and I have learned a LOT from shifting my thought process here. What took me years to learn is now ingrained in me...

Benefits of Green Tea I love starting my mornings with a cup of green tea! Not only is green tea one of the healthiest beverages on the planet, there are so many other benefits too! It is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on...

Dear previous poor body image of myself, We are breaking up. I no longer care to compare to others and I no longer wish to live up to others' expectations for what the ideal body type should be. Life begins at 40 I no longer care to accept that...

Where were you September 11, 2001? My 8 year old daughter was not born yet. On the way to school this morning I shared with her what happened on that day. To her, it is just another day where something bad happened long before she was born. I...