
What do you see? What do you see first when you look at this image? Do you see the beach? The pier? The ocean? The model? The surf board? Do you notice the photographer taking the image? What sort of feelings does this image create? Does it make you relaxed, happy, or motivated? Or...

This blog was originally published in 2013 but was updated in March 2017! You ROCK! Remember when we were kids? We thought we "rocked" all the time!  We thought we were great singers, dancers, artists, or athletes.  We thought we were "beautiful" and smart...

The Problem May Be Much More Complicated Than You Think! PCOS  -  Imagine this scenario. A client comes to me having experienced significant weight gain (putting them in an obese range), high blood pressure, really out-of-whack lipid levels, skin issues, and significant anxiety.  These are symptoms...

**This blog was originally written on March 14, 2013 but was updated on February 29, 2016.**  THE SALTY TRUTH The Health Benefits of Himalayan Pink Rock Salt You invest the effort in making smart choices and sticking to the healthier side of cravings (no regrets that way!). I...

Cottage cheese belongs in a container - NOT my thighs! What is the #1 beauty question I get?  I will give you a hint: When you stand naked in front of a mirror, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Most of my female clients...