Super Bowl Success - A Nutrition Guide The word Diet is a nasty word. For most people its translation means to do without or deprive. On the other hand, I follow a plan I like to call 'lifestyle eating', and it is just that; a way...
Finding himself again...
Hard to believe another year has flown by and for many people, the ‘fresh start’ has already turned into much of the same. The same ruts, the same routine, the same ‘good intentions’ and resolutions gone by the wayside in less than a month! BUT, since...
Coconut water is touted as the newest energy drink… Should you buy into the Coconut water hype? I know, I know. Every person you see walking out of Whole Foods, yoga class, or spin class seems to have a coconut water clinched in their hands. Should...
You control your results...
**this blog was originally published on January 15, 2012 but was updated on March 26, 2018** Find the Opportunities in Difficulties It is up to YOU to find the opportunity in difficulty and turn a negative situation positive. We have a choice every day to look for solutions...
Excuses or Solutions, YOU decide. Make things happen, be a big fish in a small pond and create your own destiny. There is no prince charming and you will not likely win the lottery: No one will “sweep you off your feet."It is highly unlikely that you will...
Can't teach an old year new tricks...
**this blog was originally published December 29, 2011 but was updated on December 31, 2015** Eating Fat Will NOT Make You Fat...
101 healthy things you can start TODAY! Drink more water Clean out your fridge get rid of the junk Clean out your pantry and get rid of the junk Stock your fridge with lean proteins, fresh veggies, fruits and nuts Shop the outside aisles of...