About Natalie Jill

My name is Natalie Jill, founder of Natalie Jill Fitness and Midlife Conversations. In my 50s myself, I am now smack dab in the middle of midlife.

And YUP…I had my own midlife crisis break down.

I was not navigating aging well, I was feeling disconnected and inauthentic being a “Fitness and Fat Loss Expert” and I was feeling that my thoughts and sadness around midlife were not normal.

I found it hard to find others that were willing to discuss what I was feeling as we live in a world of FAKENESS. People use filters and glorify their “perfect” world on instagram and don’t really discuss the much needed DEEP topics. When I started to really open up to friends, on social media, and in my network, I REALLY saw that I was NOT ALONE and realized there was a huge need for this conversation on a greater level.

Midlife Conversations are conversations that need to be had.

Midlife can be quite a rocky time for women in many cultures. During this special phase of life, women are not only dealing with hormonal, biological, and vanity changes, but we’re also dealing with more pains and aches, work/business problems, family issues (such as raising teens, becoming an empty nester, caring for elderly parents, death, securing finances, questioning spirituality, purpose, and personal goals).

Despite middle aged women making up such a large percentage of the population, they are highly overlooked. Social Media, Traditional Media, Hollywood all glorify YOUTH. Those in midlife can feel irrelevant, disregarded, and out of place. There is always a “younger”, “better” version not far away. This creates a scary gap between longing for youth and searching for what is next.

Midlife crises set in, marriages break, depression, anxiety and dis-ease becomes very real BUT….there is a small percentage of this group that have it figured out. They are THRIVING, creating their best years yet! They look amazing, feel amazing, are on purpose, and are loving this time of life!

When I realized this, I saw the need to start sharing and opening up these midlife conversations with those I know who are living their best life, in midlife! I turned my Fat Loss Brand (that was no longer fulfilling me like it once was) into Midlife Conversations.

There truly is a NEED for open, raw, and honest conversations around MIDLIFE.


We are not irrelevant. We are not washed up. We have a voice and can help others who are navigating this challenging time of life. We can step into our best years yet and improve our lives on so many levels.

How do I know this?

How do I know this?

Once upon a time, I lost my house, my retirement, my marriage ended and I gained a lot of weight. I was at ROCK BOTTOM. At the time I was in my late thirties and I felt doomed.I had all kinds of nagging “False Assumed Truths” that I believed about myself. I felt too old, too broke, too overweight and too depressed to do anything. I had so many Self Imposed Stops that were in my way. Something had to shift. My beliefs weren’t working for me. I started by changing my STATE. I decided I was NOT those self imposed stops and I created a vision for MORE.In a nutshell, I turned it all around, got my life back and became an inspiration to others.

Now, I kill FAT for a living. The Fat on bodies AND that F.A.T. getting in the way.

Just below this paragraph is a picture of me, my dog BEAN and my daughter years ago (left). At the time I wanted to burn that picture, but I’m glad I didn’t. I was a NEW mom, 60 lbs heavier than today, my thighs were rubbing together, I had a thick neck, hormone fluctuations and I was depressed, hungry, grumpy, had cravings, the whole bit 🙂 I had full time job I hated, I was going through a DIVORCE, I was struggling FINANCIALLY, I had an AUTO IMMUNE disease. I could have made a LOT of excuses… and you would have 100% validated them! I mean they were “real excuses.” But the thing about excuses and validating them is that when we do that, nothing changes. We stay totally stuck. So, I didn’t stay stuck! I Deciding to Turn It All Around once I changed my STATE. I DECIDED to fix things. I got rid of those False Aggravating Truths (F.A.T) and the Fat on my body released soon after. I put everything I knew into play- From changing my STATE, to planning my PLATE and learning to lose and love my WEIGHT.

I did NOT starve myself. I didn’t try any fad “quick fixes”, I didn’t do dangerous diet pills and I didn’t do unhealthy calorie restrictions…I used a FORMULA.

I worked out with my OWN body weight with LIMITED TIME at home. I used the same formula that is now outlined in many of my programs beginning with my The 7 day Jump StartTM and Total Body THRIVE.

It worked for me, It worked for many of my mom friends, And THAT is what inspired me to create the original The 7 day Jump StartTM Program for others like YOU.