Success Stories

What Others Have to Say about Natalie Jill’s Programs…

GO Kat! Kat dropped 35 lbs and 4 sizes in 3 months! Everyone has different goals! Let’s encourage and empower each other to work hard to be their best self possible. Let’s be the positive person in someone’s day!

She followed my Jump Start program, stayed committed to the process, stayed consistent and made it a lifestyle! Progressing into a fitter, happier her! GO Kat!

This is done the healthy way!

WHO is next? You can do this too! Get the SAMWE programs Kat followed go to 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!


Go FRANK! This is what I’m talking about! He DECIDED, committed, and stayed consistent! In his own words: “Hey Natalie. I wanted to say thank you for all your help. I purchased a few of your recipe books and it really helped me shed a lot of weight, not to mention your exercise plans. I’ve changed my lifestyle to a fit one, thanks to you as an inspiration. Thank you so much for your guidance and your delicious recipes.”

WHO wants to be next?? To get the programs and recipe books that Frank used go to 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!


22 lbs GONE! LOVE this!! I love revisiting the amazing transformation pictures I receive! Everyone has different goals! Let’s encourage and empower each other to work hard to be their best self possible. Let’s be the positive person in someone’s day!

MEET Angie: 22 lbs GONE. She DECIDED to do this, LEARNED the formula outlined in my JumpStart Programs, COMMITTED to the process and made it her lifestyle. This is done the healthy way!

WHO is next?

YOU can do this too! Get the detailed Jump Start programs that Angie followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!


30 lbs GONE! I LOVE this! Meet Kathie- she INSPIRES me! Not only did she DECIDE to transform her body, she lost 30 lbs and KEEPS progressing to a better her! I am about to share Kathie’s story- If you have something encouraging to say please comment away! Empowering and encouraging others and recognizing others accomplishments publicly is a great way to keep happiness and positivity contagious 🙂

The before image on the left was taken before she started my programs and the one on the right was taken 4 months AFTER finishing the 12 Week Super Shred Program. She is down 30 lbs.

What I am MOST inspired by with Kathie is that not only did she commit to my programs, stay consistent and progress to a better her but she has TRULY made this a lifestyle! She finished my programs a few months back and she CONTINUES to progress!

In Kathie’s words: “I did NJ’s 4wk Jump Start, Super Shred & Shredded Abs. My eating and workouts are still patterned after these programs, but I now work in some HIIT (treadmill & spinning), REV-4 DVD and NJ free workouts posted on Facebook and Instagram. NJ’s programs are fantastic – I highly recommend them!”

WHO is next?

To get the same nutrition programs that Kathie followed visit 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!


So….I know this is not one of those super duper 50 -100 lb loss transformation pictures but THESE are the ones that inspire me the most because it shows how much a week of focus and eating real unprocessed foods can reflect in your body. Everyone has different goals! Let’s encourage and empower each other to work hard to be their best self possible. Let’s be the positive person in someone’s day!

This is Leecy and I am proud and inspired by her! She followed my 7 day Jump Start program for the full 7 days and she is already less bloated, feeling better and getting tighter, smaller and healthier.

ANYONE can start from where they are and make some pretty noticeable strides quickly and it can be done the HEALTHY WAY. I can TOTALLY notice a difference in Leecy and I am super proud of her for committing to this!

WHO is next?  Get the SAME program Leecy found success at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

OH – And for those wondering, 5 lbs loss in week one is common and expected when you go from a processed food diet to a clean and natural unprocessed food diet.  You lose excess water and bloat in addition to fat. 2 lbs per week of fat loss is common and expected when you make the Jump Start way of eating your lifestyle after completing the first 7 days.


Addicted to Mountain Dew for 23 years…and finally made a lifestyle change at age 49!

This is one of my favorites because of the STORY behind it. I hear from people ALL the time that think it is too late to start (it never is!), and Joan was the same way, but something happened as she got close to 50 that changed it all!

So read her amazing STORY, and if you have something encouraging or positive to say, please comment away! Remember, recognizing others accomplishments in public is contagious…and positive reinforcement is good for everybody!

In Joan’s words…

“Before I started your Jump Start I was 225 lbs., depressed, stopped communicating with my family, was totally miserable. Over the last 3 years I have had to pack away nine bins of beautiful clothes that I no longer could fit into.

I started working at the busiest restaurant in Providence. I mainly work nights. I took the job so I could be home more with the family and try not to miss out on too much of the boys activities and so that I could volunteer at their elementary and middle schools.

Well, I would bring home cheesecake and an entrée late at night, sit in front of the computer to unwind and eat half of whatever I brought home, then make an ice cream cone. This went on and on.

I’d drank diet Mt. dew first thing when I woke up. I would have two cans before the kids were off for school. I would have another one or two in the afternoon. I have drank diet Mt. dew for 23 years, and…

Continue reading the rest of Joan’s story and see her video HERE:


WHO is next?

Get started on your OWN transformation at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!


Size 10 to a 4 go Sharlyn!!! And Before you say it negative Nellie: No the tattoo is not switched- one of the pics is taken in a mirror; the other pic someone took of her 🙂 Positive, encouraging comments welcome! Make her day- she worked hard and I want her to feel great about herself!

In Sharlyn’s own words: “Thank you so much for giving me back my life; not only for me but for my 2 year old daughter and my husband. I have lost pounds and have gone from a size 10 to a size 4! I am so grateful for the encouragement that you post on your ig and Facebook to keep me going when I’m down. I have been motivated to pass on your gift you have given me!”

YOU CAN  do this too. DECIDE to make the change, COMMIT to the process and you WILL stay consistent this time.

Sharlyn followed the 12 week Super Shred program and has not only gained a new improved physique, but she now has increased confidence AND has improved her family life!!

WHO is next!?

Jump Start your OWN transformation journey with the same programs Sharlyn followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!


OH YEAH!!! Look at this fit mom of 3- From a size 10 to a 6! I’m about to share her story…If you have something nice and positive to say please comment! You all KNOW how amazing it feels when others encourage you and congratulate you on your commitment:)!!

Another awesome transformation success! Woop woop!!

GO Stacey! In her words: “I wanted to share my results from the program!

Your programs (and your IG account) pushed me past my comfort zones. I’m finished with the program but I have learned things that I will continue doing to make a stronger healthier ME! I am a mom of 3. When my youngest turned 6 months I was stuck at my heaviest weight ever and jumped on board with healthier/clean eating and exercise at home.

After a little over 3 months I had lost about 15 lbs. That is when I started your program. I dropped about 10 more lbs but more importantly went from barely fitting in size 10 to very comfortably fitting in my old 6’s! My body fat % went down significantly.  My baby turned 1 in Oct and I was back at my pre pregnancy weight and in my pre-pregnancy  clothes:) But what I love most is I could barely do push ups on my knees after having baby #3 & now I’m knocking out feet elevated push ups! I love the strength I have! I have new fit goals I’m working towards now but thanks to your program & method of training I KNOW it’s possible and I feel armed with the info I need!”

Go Stacey!

Who wants to be next ? NOTE: Nutrition is 80% of results! Get the same program Stacey followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!


Meet Maria! Once unhappy and not feeling her best, she is now THRIVING! She DECIDED to make a change, COMMITTED to the process, stayed CONSISTENT and she is looking AMAZING! Don’t you LOVE when you work super hard at something and others notice and compliment you! Let’s do this for her! She worked hard and deserves it.

Maria used my Jump Start Programs to help her. In her own words: “I was overweight and unhappy with how I felt and how I looked in my clothes. My doctor said I was unhealthy and needed to change the way I was living. I didn’t want to have problems in the future so I DECIDED to change all of that! It is now 7 months later and I never thought I could look this way!

I am STILL working to keep myself healthy and fit. I want to tone my tummy more but have come a very long way. It is all about being happy in your own skin. I love my results and am SUPER proud! I did want to thank you Natalie as I did your 4 week Jump Start program and that really helped me learn how to eat right.

GO MARIA! WHO wants to be next?

Get the same Jump Start Programs that Maria followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Jim Walters

Do you have what it takes to be like Jim? I believe that you do.

I was recently asked in an interview, who is my FAVORITE type of person to work with? And who has the best results on my programs? I did not hesitate for one bit because I know EXACTLY how to describe this type of person. I think of Jim Walters. Jim is the epitome of “Excuses or Solutions… YOU decide” : ) He DECIDED and he did not let anything get in his way. It was not an overnight transformation- this took him some time. What he did was DECIDE and then he committed to the process and stayed consistent.

He used to believe that his before picture was “bad genetics.” He laughs now when people look at his after picture and say “that is just genetics.”

EVERYONE has excuses. WE ALL HAVE THEM! We do!  For some they may be worse, they may make it harder, they may make results take longer, BUT, there’s ALWAYS some sort of solution… There is always some positive step forward you can take one day at a time.

Start where Jim started with the 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!


I LOVE this inspiring transformation! GO Veronica! No excuses with her! This fit mom followed my Jump Start programs, stayed committed to the process, stayed consistent and made it a lifestyle! DOWN 49 LBS! Positive, encouraging comments welcome! Make her day- she worked hard and I want her to feel great about herself!

Progressing into a fitter, happier HER! GO VERONICA! This is done the HEALTHY way. You can do this too! WHO is next? Get the same programs Veronica followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!


HELLO ABS- GO SHARON! Positive, encouraging comments welcome! Make her day- she worked hard and I want her to feel great about herself!

Sharon followed my programs, stayed committed to the process, stayed consistent and progressed into a FITTER, LEANER her!

GO SHARON! Who is next? You can do this too!

For help on your own motivation, workout ideas, nutrition help or to get the same detailed program Sharon followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!