Success Stories

What Others Have to Say about Natalie Jill's Programs...

Emma Halford

20 lbs and countless inches GONE for this mother of 3! Go Emma! Haven’t pitched your scale in the trash yet? This one’s for you! Don’t you LOVE when you work super hard at something and others notice and compliment you! Let’s do this for her! She worked hard and deserves it.

In Emma’s words: “Previous diets didn’t work because I didn’t know how to eat to fuel my body!! I was basically trying to make the number on the scale lower. I didn’t care about anything else. I started the 7 day jumpstart January 2015 and I haven’t looked back.

With NJs program, I’ve learned more about myself than just losing weight. I actually found more confidence in myself that I didn’t know I existed . I know that it’s not a diet I’m restricting myself to. It’s a lifestyle change. A commitment to better myself and my family.

I actually look forward to my meals. And I find myself wanting healthier snacks I would have never chosen before. Those seven days changed my life. And it’s so easy to follow. I’ve lost over 20lbs and countless inches. Now I could care less about a scale. Who cares about being thin. Being fit is where it’s at:)


WHO is next?

Get started on your OWN transformation and get the same program Emma followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Cara Ritchie

11 pounds and 11 inches gone!!! Meet 38 year old Cara from Edmonton, AB, so let’s show her the world supports her with positive comments from all over!

In Cara’s words: “I never really tried dieting before just working out. But if you don’t eat healthy while you are working out then you are not really doing yourself a favor which is why I had been gaining weight very slowly for the past 10 yrs even though I had been exercising.

I am so grateful for the 7 Day Jump Start nutrition program. Being on the Jump Start has been great for discipline and motivation and has been a huge help in getting on the right track with fitness and nutrition.

I love the versatility of Natalie Jill’s fitness programs too.  Workout at home or take her app with you on the go.  She makes working out fun and easy to do anywhere.  Her energy is contagious!”

Way to go Cara! WHO is next?!

Get the same program that Cara followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Patty Kodabakshian

YOU’RE NEXT!!! Join the SAME accountability group where Patty finally found success here:

In Patty’s words:

“I gained about 20 lbs after going through early menopause.  I have a small body frame, 4’11”, and to go from a size 0 to an 8-10, was just too much for me to handle. I used to exercise in my 20s and 30s and after having kids later in life, I was busy being a mom, but I still got back into shape.

However, menopause slowed everything for me and my body changed tremendously. I started having major aches and pains every where as well, along with horrible back aches. My cholesterol and BMI sky rocketed. My doctor told me that I have to lose weight and bring my BMI to normal range.

Whatever I did, I couldn’t lose the weight and was convinced that I’m doomed for the rest of my life and that I have to learn to live with all the changes. I couldn’t stand looking at myself in the mirror and kept telling myself that someday I will lose the weight.

I spent a lot of money hiring personal trainers and working out, but still wasn’t getting the results I needed.  I found NJ through one of my personal trainers a year ago and signed up for the 7 Day Jump Start. I saw results immediately, but I just wasn’t committed 100% to eating “clean” or “unprocessed” foods.

In January, I DECIDED to jump back in the challenge, where I kept up with my diet and exercise. What helped me the most was the accountability, following a very simple plan and eating very good food!  I realized that in order to be successful, I had to stick to a “new lifestyle”.

I started to prep my meals in advance and taking it with me to work, which stopped the binge eating. I increased my water intake as well. The whole thing was finding out my “WHY”:  Why I wanted to change my life, but I needed the “HOW” and “WHAT”.

Natalie Jill showed me HOW to follow her plan, WHAT to eat and HOW to unprocess my diet. Also, how to stick to eating amazing food. I bought her book when it first launched and have stuck to the great recipes. I have learned to make conscious decisions about what I eat

As a mom of two young girls, I have to be a good role model. They see and observe everything I do.  Their eyes are on me with every bite. I realize that I still have a long way to go, but the key is consistency, determination, desire to look and feel better, and discipline to stay on track.

This is a process, and not an overnight thing. It takes hard work and dedication. It takes time to see results and that’s the absolute hardest part.  Natalie’s simplified ways to eat, helped me along the way.  She made my life easier. She made me realize that I need to enjoy the process and love myself. I still follow her today.  She will remain my mentor forever!  I am her # 1 fan. ️ She has been my inspiration, my role model. I couldn’t do any of this without her.

Congratulations Patty! WHO is next?!

Get in on the SAME accountability group that Patty joined at

And the LIFESTYLE nutrition program for max results here at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Jillian Todd

Down 14 pounds, 2 dress sizes and 4 inches off her waist! Meet 45 year old mom of two Jillian! She went from feeling total despair to STRONGER, HEALTHIER and feeling good. GO Jilian! Positive, encouraging comments welcome! Make her day- she worked hard and I want her to feel great about herself!

In Jillian’s words: “I was a die hard weight lifter for many years, hated doing cardio and could eat a variety of foods. After having my first daughter almost 14 years ago, I was diagnosed Hypothyroid and it’s been a battle ever since.

My doses had to be constantly adjusted; it was a moving target. I could literally gain six pounds over night, all while working out 12 hours per week and eating a strict 1400 “clean eating” regimen. I finally just gave up, nothing I did seemed to work.

About a year ago I changed doctors and found that there was a lot of other factors why my illness wasn’t being managed properly, and we’ve been working on adjusting those. I finally felt hope again, and around the same time, Natalie Jill’s videos kept popping up in my Facebook feed.

I read her blog posts, found that she had a great philosophy “stronger not skinnier” and felt she was a good fit for where I was in my journey.

Over the course of the 4 week Jump Start, I optimized my nutrition, worked out each day according to her instructions and started to feel like my “pre-illness” self. I AM stronger, I AM healthier than I was. I lost 14 pounds, two sizes and 4 inches off my waist.

I went from total despair “Ah, forget it, it’s just not worth trying anymore” to “I can totally do this and I am doing it, I AM getting stronger and healthier every day and I WILL reach my goals” If you’re thinking of joining Natalie Jill’s  programs DO IT!

Don’t let the time pass without seeing what you can do for yourself when you put your self care, your health and your fitness on the front burner.”


Get the SAME program Jillian is following and start your own transformation at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Elizabeth Neels

20 lbs and 23” GONE! I LOVE this! Meet Elizabeth- she INSPIRES me! Not only did this wife and momma of 2 DECIDE to transform her body, she’s lost 20 lbs and KEEPS progressing to a better her! I’m about to share her story…If you have something nice and positive to say please comment! You all KNOW how amazing it feels when others encourage you and congratulate you on your commitment:)!!

In Elizabeth’s words: “So here is my progress…I’m not calling them ‘before and after’ because I’m still working towards my goals of becoming the best me. The first pictures you see was me on Jan 4 of this year.  I was at my heaviest weight….even higher than both my pregnancy weights!!

I had NO energy and I felt terrible physically and emotionally.  I was ready for a change,  I signed up for Natalie Jill’s 30 day accountability group. We used Natalie Jill’s 7 Day Jump Start- THE PLAN- for 30 days .

I learned SO much about fitness and nutrition and the group was just what I needed to stay accountable. Natalie doesn’t just give you a program to follow, she shares everything she knows so you can build a healthy lifestyle of your own!

I learned how to build healthy meals and how to work out with the intensity needed to change my body.  This has been HUGE for me….with what I learned in the 30 day jump start and through Natalie I’ve been able to continue to see results and work toward my goals.

After the accountability group was done I started Natalie’s STRONGER program.  I absolutely LOVE it!!  It has been great for my confidence!

I’ve progressed my push-up strong push-ups and am working toward pull ups now.  Natalie is SO motivating and she truly cares about her clients and wants to help them succeed.  She was just what I needed!

So thank you Natalie for changing my life!!  Your programs not only taught me how to live a healthy lifestyle and lose weight but they taught me to set goals and go after them.  I had stopped dreaming and now I have dream goals that I know will become a reality through hard work and focus.

The biggest transformation has been inside 🙂  Thank you again Natalie and team for helping me work towards my goals!!!!”


Get the SAME program Elizabeth is following at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Bridget Mohr

6 pounds GONE and lost 7.5 inches overall- DOWN 4” just in her waist! Meet Bridget! Don’t you LOVE when you work super hard at something and others notice and compliment you! Let’s do this for her! She worked hard and deserves it.

Learn how she DECIDED to change her story from overscheduled, overcommitted and feeling like she was failing to a positive SUCCESS story!

In Bridget’s words: “I am someone who has never been proud of their body. Even in high school, when I was in great shape, I never felt confident enough to wear a bikini or anything remotely close to a bikini 😉

Fast forward twenty plus years, and like everyone else, I now have a busy life with a hectic schedule. I’m married, I work, and go to school.

And I have tons of hobbies and interests that I enjoy and keep me busy. My days are over scheduled and I often commit to more than what I can accomplish in one day.

Also, like everyone else, life has handed me challenges that I didn’t see coming and I have struggled. My struggle has been with unexplained infertility

The massive feeling of inadequacy and unworthiness really took a toll on me both mentally and physically. Add on turning 40 and needless to say my body has changed. I started to carry fat around my thighs but especially thru my mid section, where it had never been before!! Hello … Cellulite!! Ugh

I used to go to the gym and workout. At the time I thought I enjoyed it, but really they were long dragged out sessions that often left me sore. And while I had some success, I didn’t enjoy the process. I think I thought I had to prove I was the toughest. And in some ways I was punishing myself.

Additionally, between the travel time to and from the gym, the long treadmill sessions and the time it took on the isolating weight machines I would be away from home at least two hours, if not more!

I would come home to my loving and supportive husband, who would say, ‘wow great job! You must have had a great workout!’ And my reply was always, ‘No, not all’.  I also could never keep my grueling gym schedule going for more than a month or two, and I would end up feeling even worse about myself when I  would inevitably fail. Something had to change!!

Luckily, I found Natalie Jill Fit on Facebook!! I followed to her YouTube channel, got my hands on her amazing workout DVDs and most of her ebooks 😉  She has inspired me so much. With Natalie’s help, I made the mindshift connection!! This was huge for me!!

The best part is Natalie’s program is its doable! It is a Way of life that you can sustain for the Rest of your life. Yes, you can get in great shape with muscle definition at home in 30 minutes a day!! Yes, you can think positive and find solutions!

I now eat clean, in a bright uplifting color palette, and follow the The 7-day Jump Start – The Plan as a lifestyle.  I unwind at night with hot green tea instead of alcohol and I don’t have cravings!!

Yes, my cravings for sugar are gone! I am no longer bloated, my pms is much improved and the way I feel about myself is so different !! I dress in brighter colors, I look at my life in a whole new way! I try to think everyday like Natalie has taught me….

1.) what is something positive I can Add to my day

2.) get your workout in, you do it cause you love your body

3.) if you have a bad or off day, that’s okay it’s not the end of the world. Get back on track tomorrow!

4.) set goals!! You can accomplish them!!

5.) PROGRESS IT !!  – this goes for everything in life (keeping moving, keep challenging, keep learning, keep striving, keep Progressing!)

Take the leap….you have Natalie Jill – you’re in amazing hands !!

I can’t wait to someday share my ‘after the after’ pics!! You can do this!!”

Thank you Bridget for sharing your inspiring success story with us. You DECIDED to make good choices, made a LIFESTYLE change …and look at you now!


Get the SAME program Bridget followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Elizabeth Koth

Down 36 pounds and just had the SAME red dress taken in 6+ inches for an Oscar’s party! I LOVE getting messages like these! Meet Elizabeth! I am about to share Elizabeth’s story- If you have something encouraging to say please comment away! Empowering and encouraging others and recognizing others accomplishments publicly is a great way to keep happiness and positivity contagious 🙂

You HAVE to read her story and learn what her daughter said that made her DECIDE to change.

In Elizabeth’s words: “I just want to share my success with you! In late August 2015, I decided to make some big lifestyle changes with regard to my eating and exercising.

I began speaking negatively about myself; even in front of my daughter, which is something I swore I’d never do! I called myself “fat”, “gross”, etc in front of her!

I quit exercising because I couldn’t run off the calories I was eating because I was putting horrible foods into my body.

It was back in August that my daughter finally spoke up and said something to me in response to hearing me call myself “fat” yet again…she said, “Mommy, you never used to talk about yourself like.”

Yes, my “wise beyond her 12 years” daughter said it! I was both surprised and ashamed. She was right. That was when I decided it was time to make some changes.

I had already tried a few of the quick workouts you posted on Facebook and I liked them…I liked Natalie Jill’s enthusiasm and encouraging spirit! So, I signed up to start receiving the workout calendars.

I started following the calendar and doing all 3 workouts listed each day! A couple weeks into my first month of the workout calendar, I invested in the 7-day Jump Start – The Plan!

The 7-day Jump Start – The Plan has served as a guide to meal planning. I love it! I lost 7 pounds in the first week and have now lost a total of 36 pounds! And I’m still going! I am happier, healthier and fitter…thanks to you!

I could go on and on about what this journey has been like for me…the good days and the more challenging days! But, mostly, I just wanted to share my before/after photo with you! My husband and kids have a hard time believing it’s the same person in both pictures!

I tell people all the time about your programs and how amazing you are! Thank you for your commitment to helping others be healthy…I’m just one more to add to your list of thousands you’ve helped. Awesome!!!!”

Thank you Elizabeth for sharing your inspiring success story with us. You DECIDED to make good choices, made a LIFESTYLE change …and look at you now!


Get the SAME program Elizabeth followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Erica Sewell

17 inches and 7 pounds GONE! GO ERICA!!! I am about to share her story- If you have something encouraging to say please comment away! Empowering and encouraging others and recognizing others accomplishments publicly is a great way to keep happiness and positivity contagious 🙂

In Erica’s words: “In previous programs, I would lose weight and then gain almost all the weight I lost back. I had also significantly decreased my exercise, partly fueled to an injury and partly because of laziness. I wanted to get back on track and finish what I started.

Natalie’s program is the best one around. This is a lifestyle change. Natalie Jill doesn’t want you to fit into a formula, she want you to be the best person you can bet! Fit, happy and healthy.”

Thank you Erica! We are so proud of you!

Who is next?

Get the same lifestyle program Erica followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Wendy Braun

10 inches and 10 pounds GONE! GO WENDY!!! Everyone has different goals! Let’s encourage and empower each other to work hard to be their best self possible. Let’s be the positive person in someone’s day!

These are Wendy’s 8 week progress pics after recommitting to the Jump Start lifestyle. Let’s encourage her! Empowering and encouraging others and recognizing others accomplishments publicly is a great way to keep happiness and positivity contagious 🙂

In Wendy’s Words: “Through my teens, twenties and into my mid-thirties, I was fit, athletic actually. I was an avid horseback rider, played racquetball daily, worked out several times a week, and was generally active and in motion all of the time. I had energy to spare, ate right and felt great.

I had my daughter at age 36 and my weight ballooned. I lost about 20 pounds and got pregnant with my son. I blossomed to 200 during that pregnancy and in the two years after was only able to lose about 30 pounds.

From age 40-54, I gained about 5 pounds a year, losing a few and gaining again. I hated myself. I ached like you’d imagine a 90 year old would and that scared me. The voice in my head said, “you are the heaviest girl here” no matter where here was, at work, out with friends, or just hanging out with family.

I was sluggish, had brain fog, and was probably mildly depressed, though never diagnosed. I was afraid that if I didn’t do something and soon, I develop serious health conditions, have to take medication and wouldn’t be here to enjoy my family. I developed GERD and had mild hypertension. Wanting to avoid more serious things like diabetes or heart disease, I knew I had to change my lifestyle.

At age 55, I stumbled on a FB post and was introduced to Natalie Jill and her 7 day Jump Start. I learned how and what to eat, set goals, made vision boards, and more! I lost 15 lbs in the first 2 months.

I could have lost more, but I didn’t really exercise much. I decided that I must up my game and get moving. I am recommitted to spend the second half of 2015 working out, learning how and when to move, using weights or just my body weight to build muscle, tone and become physically fit. I want to be healthy again, have energy, and feel great! I want to be an inspiration to my family, friends and others.”

Well Wendy, you are an inspiration to us all! Keep it going! You have GOT this!

Who is next?

Get the same lifestyle program Wendy is following and start your own transformation at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!


Down at least 20 pounds and 4 inches of belly fat gone! Meet 28 year old Dave from San Diego. I’m about to share his story…If you have something nice and positive to say please comment! You all KNOW how amazing it feels when others encourage you and congratulate you on your commitment:)!!

This is a special transformation to me because Dave is one-half of my uber-talented videographer team. Like my workouts on YouTube? We have the tremendously talented Dave to thank you those! Show him the love and appreciation we have for him!

Dave learned about my Jump Start lifestyle plan while filming with me over the last few years. He found himself tired of the same old ineffective diet and decided to give my Jump Start a try. Dave lost the bloat and successfully made the Jump Start, “second nature.”

In Dave’s words: “In the past, The working out would be fine, but I would get tired of the diet.

With Jumpstart it is easier to consistently eat healthy because I learned the proper ratios to be eating at each meal. Plus all the snack options kept me satisfied and not feeling hungry.

The Jump Start is very doable. It is OK to slip sometimes and if you do just reference the jumpstart program again to get back on track.

It eventually becomes second nature to look for the better options using the ratios when eating out and grocery shopping. You won’t want to go back to eating the way you were before once you really feel what not being bloated feels like.”

Thank you Dave! We are so proud of you!

Who is next?

Get the same lifestyle program Dave made second nature and start your own transformation at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

April Lammons

Down 7 pounds and too many inches to count! Meet April! She DECIDED to stop feeling sorry for herself and make a LIFESTYLE change! She’s back to the fit, athletic and healthy girl she was in high school.

I’m about to share her story…If you have something nice and positive to say please comment! You all KNOW how amazing it feels when others encourage you and congratulate you on your commitment:)!!

In April’s Words: “I have been an athlete my whole life. I played softball and basketball throughout middle and high school, and I still play softball today! I did not play sports in college though and went from a size 7 to a 12, sometimes 14.

When I grew out of the store American Eagle I decided that something had to change.

I continued along until we had a Heart Walk and everyone in my Department wanted to run it. I thought, “I can run 3 miles”, well I sort of made it one mile and that was it, I had to walk the rest of the way.

I finally began to stop feeling sorry for myself for being as out of shape as I was. So began my new lifestyle of being more healthy.

I got back into a size 10, so in my mind I was just fine but then in 2010 I had my daughter (which did not fit into my getting smaller lifestyle at all! But I love her so much and wouldn’t change it for the world!).

Once I could, I got right back to it and shed some weight, dropping down to between 168 and 172 (I got up to 219 while I was pregnant).

In early 2012 I decided to give HIIT workouts a try and I did great, I lost about 3-4 pounds, but slimmed down to a size 8 and sometimes a 6 in skinny jeans. However, I still fluctuated about 4-8 pounds every day.

In my adult life I do 5k, 10k, half marathons, Triathlons, and Spartan races. I tell you all of the above to say I know what it was like to be fit (work hard). I even got back there a bit recently, but still all I was doing was maintaining.

I found Natalie Jill on Facebook and have loved her programs, advice, and workouts ever since! I do a lot of those workouts already, but her food plans are what enticed me to try a program.

So, I began the 4 week jump start program on August 8th. I started at 166.5 pounds and my waist dip was 30 inches, my lower abs were 35, and my hips at their widest point were 41.5. I also measured by thighs and each were 24 inches at its widest.

I was committed and ate only what was on the lists. I had immediate results!

My now husband (We got married on August 29th this year) was amazed when he came home from working offshore.

By our wedding I was 3 weeks into the program and had shed a consistent 6 to 7 pounds and many inches! My wedding dress was tight when I bought it in April, but by the day of if was loose!

Once I finished the 4 week Jump Start I immediately continued it for the next 3 weeks. Then, I came across the Stronger program and have been doing it now for about 3 weeks now (10 weeks now total on Natalie Jill programs).

Here is where I am as: 159 pounds, dip in waist is 28.5 inches, lower abs are 33.5 inches, hips at the widest point are 40 inches! I haven’t been at 40 inches since high school (15 years). This has been my ultimate goal!

I always lose weight in my upper body first, but to actually see results in my legs has been amazing. I have lost most of the “extra” on the outside of my thighs and it feels great! I also just bought a pair of pants 2 weeks ago that are a 5/6! WHAT?!

I want to THANK YOU for the motivation to keep me going. I don’t plan to stop and I have incorporated new meals and a way of life with my family. I look forward to more programs and hope that this story (though long) helps others want to get up and get out there too!”

So there you have it! Thank you April for sharing your success story with us. You DECIDED to make good choices, made a LIFESTYLE change …and look at her now!


Get the same program April followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Crystal deBoer

3.5 pounds, 7.5 inches, and 3.8% body fat GONE! Meet Crystal and check out the abs on this mother of 3 (2 delivered via cesarean section). Crystal proves that by saying “buh-bye” to the treadmill and DECIDING to make a diet and lifestyle change, you can say “hello” to a stronger, leaner body. Positive, encouraging comments welcome! Make her day- she worked hard and I want her to feel great about herse

In Crystal’s words: “I just completed The 4 week Jump Start!  I actually finished a challenge/workout program for the first time in my life!!  I have started many challenges, workout regimen or “diet” plans and have never actually finished any of them!!

I completely changed my diet last May to gluten free, non-processed, sugar free (most of the time), and dairy free (most of the time), so the diet portion was already under control, but the layout of everything kept me accountable!

I kept a detailed journal daily. I wrote down my exercise (only after it was completed), my water intake and my food I ate.  Each night I would get my next day’s journal page ready to go and get my meals and my workout planned in my head.  I weighed and measured weekly.

I have always been a slave to my treadmill! I was a little skeptical working out without it!


Holy WOW!!! Go Kyle! He is down 24.5 lbs and 9.5 inches! Meet Kyle. He and his wife decided to make their health and fitness a priority. Together they are healthier, happier and closer than ever! I’m about to share his story…If you have something nice and positive to say please comment! You all KNOW how amazing it feels when others encourage you and congratulate you on your commitment:)!!

In Kyle’s words: “My wife and I truly enjoyed this program! Not only did it bring us closer together but we got great results. It was easy to follow although the alarm clock going off at 5:00 am was not enjoyable!!

With 3 kids, my wife in nursing school and my 24 on/48 off work schedule we had our hands full! If we can do it, you can too! The program was easy to follow and the videos cleared up any question we had about the workouts.

I would recommend this program to everyone and I will continue to follow it again starting with week 1. Thank you for changing my life!!”

Love seeing these transformations! Keep them coming!

Who is next?

Get the SAME program Kyle followed at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!


(She does NOT want anything tagged or last name)

8 pounds gone! GO LILY! I love getting these emails!

Lily DECIDED she was ready for change, and worked to make it happen! Let’s encourage her! Recognizing other’s accomplishments publicly is a great way to keep happiness and positivity contagious 🙂

“I tried different diets and nothing seemed to work. I found about NatalieJillFit on Facebook and said why not give it a try — and so I did. I did the 7 Day Jump Start and did the exercises and sure enough inches came off. I lost 8 lbs. The program really works and I would recommend for everyone who wants to shed a few pounds or just tone up. Thanks Natalie!”

Go Lily! I love seeing transformations!

WHO wants to be next?

Get the same program Lily followed and start your own transformation at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Carmen Baldrich

Yes, you can share and tag her on FB full name.

Only shared one picture

9 pounds GONE! Feeling stronger and more energized! Meet 49 year old Carmen and check out the tiny waist on this momma of 3! Oh and be sure to thank her for her service to our country for the past 31 years! Before commenting remember this is an actual person who worked very hard… positive, supportive, encouraging comments welcome! 🙂

In Carmen’s words:

“I am 49 yrs old. And serving in the military for the past 31 yrs. I have 3 children.  I have tried many products, pills and shakes for a long time.  And no matter how much I worked out, ran or walked the pounds did not come off. I am an emotional eater and skipped meals when I over ate.

I came across your page on FB a while back and ordered the 7 Day Jump Start but did not start the program until just a week and half ago. I followed the 7 Day Jump Start and told myself “This is it, Carmen. You have to stick to it and see if it really works!” The first 2 days were a little hard to get use to eating good, clean food and setting a time to eat each day. But I made it my priority and stuck with the program.

I feel stronger and more energized.  I lost 9 lbs, 1.5″ off my waist and 1″ off my hips. I just feel so much healthier and so blessed to finally live a lifestyle and I can keep up!! Loved the food on the daily menus and truly learned that all I had to do was change the food I was eating! I did not change my workout routine at all and saw the pounds come off!

Go Carmen! I love seeing transformations and people TAKE ACTION!

WHO is next?

Get the same program Carmen followed and start your own transformation at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Shelly Nguyen

You can tag her on Facebook: Shelly Nguyen

Down 5 pounds, 2 inches gone and back in her pre-baby size 25 jeans! Meet Shelly! She just finished my 4 Week Jump Start and sent us her amazing progress pics. Too good to not share! Everyone has different goals! Let’s encourage and empower each other to work hard to be their best self possible. Let’s be the positive person in someone’s day!

In Shelly’s words: “I am a mother of 2 and have been insecure about my body after having my babies. Initially I wanted to just get fit for a vacation in March but now my results have become an obsession 🙂

I’ve transformed my daily routine and family to be more active and healthy. I appreciate the jump start because it was simple to follow with discipline of course. Thanks Natalie!”

Go Shelly! I LOVE seeing inspiring transformations like these!

Who is next?

Get the SAME program Shelly followed and start your own transformation at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!


Go Michelle! I love getting messages like these – totally made my day! And don’t you just LOVE IT when you work super hard at something and others notice and compliment you?!? Especially when you’re down 45 lbs and counting! I know I do! Lets hear it for Michelle!

Down 45 lbs!

In Michelle’s words: “After starting your 7 Day Jump Start – THE PLAN, I am down 45 lbs. I have been changing my way of eating because of your inspiration. Thank you. I want to be fit again just like I used to be.”

There you have it! Michelle DECIDED to change her eating and look at those RESULTS!

Who is next?

Get the SAME Program Michelle is following at 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Tanya Anthony

GO TANYA! 15 lbs GONE!! I am about to share Tanya’s story- If you have something encouraging to say please comment away! Empowering and encouraging others and recognizing others accomplishments publicly is a great way to keep happiness and positivity contagious 🙂

In Tanyas words: “I’ve just started a new job with a lot of night shift and driving. I started the 7 day Jump Start again and have been following steadily. I went from 164lbs to 149lbs in about 3 weeks. I can feel all my clothes are loose and I can definitely see the difference! I wanted Natalie to know that her program works- it truly does! It has this second time around for me”

Tanya did this following the 7 day Jump Start Program and continuing on it AFTER the first 7 days were over.

WHO is next? Start your Jump Start HERE!

Typical weight loss on the 7 Day Jump Start program is 5 lbs week one and 2 lbs each week to follow. There is a greater jump in loss week one because you lose additional water in addition to fat. This is healthy and normal when going from a processed food diet to a healthy and natural unprocessed one.

To get the program Tanya followed go to 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Jim R. – Lost over 60lbs!

I have always heard “timing is everything” and it must be true. For some reason that only Facebook knows, some blog got shared with some fitness model in it.

I must admit the great looking trainer/model is what first captured my attention but after reading her blog regarding the proper nutrition and the hard work getting in shape was going to involve, Natalie Jill struck a chord with me. A no excuses, What it REALLY Means!” eat clean, work hard and sweat it off process was something I could do. The word diet just sent shivers up my back but Natalie seemed to concentrate more on what a person CAN eat, not what they cant eat.

She was offering so much information for free to people and seemed genuinely concerned. I bought herStay Lean recipes and it was GAME ON” Read the rest of Jims testimonial HERE.

Start where Jim started with the same program 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!

Courtney C. – Lost the baby weight!

Courtney Cathleen “Natalie,I can’t believe I am actually going to feel good about wearing my new bikini on vacation in April!! Considering where I was less than a year ago!

I have been following the guidelines to the 7 day Jumpstart for 5 weeks now. I have lost the last 12lbs from my pregnancy and I’m keeping it off!! My baby is 10 months old! I’m so happy!

I didn’t think I would get back in shape after a difficult pregnancy, gaining almost 65lbs and emergency c-section!! I have got the diet down! Thank you so much! Court” ( See Her full story HERE)

Start where Courtney started with the 7 Day Jump Start NEWEST edition HERE!