04 Jun Want to go rollerskating in acid washed jeans? – A time when FAT was the enemy
Do you remember in the 80's? When rollerskating, neon, jelly bracelets, leg-warmers, and acid washed jeans were all the rage...
Do you remember in the 80's? When rollerskating, neon, jelly bracelets, leg-warmers, and acid washed jeans were all the rage...
Two thousand years ago Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine said, “all diseases begin in the gut! Being a celiac who consults with clients frequently about nutrition, I get a lot of questions about digestion, so I turned to a true expert in the field. I consulted...
Losing the weight for GOOD It is never too late to change. Meet Joan - A lovable mother with a 23 year 'addiction' to Diet Mountain Dew. After years of 'treating' her body poorly with diet soda, ice cream, and restaurant food; she committed to making...
After ballooning to 526 lbs AFTER a failed "quick fix" at 386 lbs, one woman decided to do it the RIGHT way! Think quick fixes are the answer? The ads and marketing material make it sound sooooo easy, but are things like stomach stapling and gastric...
3 little letters that can have a big impact...
GMO backwards is OMG! Which MIGHT be Your Reaction to This Information! Ever wonder why sometimes fruits and vegetables look incredibly LARGE and COLORFUL but don't taste as amazing as organic uglier versions? Welcome to the world of GMO and genetically modified foods...
The Great Soy Debate: To Soy or Not to Soy? YOU Decide The Asian diets are often cited as the pro-soy example, as soy and soy isoflavones have been consumed in Asia for thousands of years. A more accurate reason the Asian diets are healthier is...