healthy Tag

A twist on Pad Thai! A healthier version! This one is SOOO GOOD! You will want to add this to your dinner menu this week! Meanwhile,  think I may be hired for a cooking show after this one 😂😂😂  JUST KIDDING Here are the ingredients to gather...

Homemade Chicken Tortilla Soup So you know we celebrate food holidays around here! Life is short- celebrate food! Right? Especially when it's healthy, yummy, tasty food! I wanted to share this homemade chicken tortilla soup recipe with you for National Tortilla Chip Day because it just seemed...

YUMMY Quick Gluten Free Healthy Snacks! Some more YUMMY quick gluten free healthy snack recipes are BACK by popular demand. As always, they're gluten-free, based on unprocessed natural foods.  They make your taste buds AND your body HAPPY!!! Want some? YUMMY Quick Gluten Free Healthy Snack #1...

Quick "3 step" Healthy Snacks Part 2 A little while ago I posted two of my favorite Quick Healthy Snacks. I guess you wanted to see more because the requests for more Snack Attack busters came pouring in! Today I am hooking you up with two...