natalie jill fitness Tag

Bye Bye Bingo Arms! Tricep Exercises It’s amazing how you can work the same muscle with so many different moves. In this case, we are targeting our triceps.  Whether you’re a beginner or advanced, I share several different ways to work those triceps! Grab a mat or...

**this blog was originally published on August 11, 2015 but was updated on January 26, 2016** Thin Thighs in 30 Days In this video, I share four exercises that will help YOU create thin thighs in 30 days! Staying in line with my passion for training,...

**this blog was originally published June 23, 2015 but was updated on January 26, 2016** Body Weight Bicep Workout Body Weight Bicep Workout -- You don't have to use a gym, equipment or weights to work your biceps!  It does not matter if you are beginner or...

Weight Loss Success- Michelle's Story I am SO excited to share Michelle's SUCCESS story. Meet Michelle….Michelle tried EVERYTHING possible. After 15 years, she made a decision to commit to a lifestyle change.  She kept it simple and had amazing results! Here is Michelle’s story…… In Michelle's words: ...