weight loss Tag

Normal, Health nut or Orthorexic? Being in the world of nutrition and fitness I doubt there’s a diet plan I haven’t heard of, or a new “concept” I haven’t at least researched. There’s a plan for everyone, and there are plenty of fads that follow suit....

Weight Loss Success- Michelle's Story I am SO excited to share Michelle's SUCCESS story. Meet Michelle….Michelle tried EVERYTHING possible. After 15 years, she made a decision to commit to a lifestyle change.  She kept it simple and had amazing results! Here is Michelle’s story…… In Michelle's words: ...

Losing the weight for GOOD It is never too late to change. Meet Joan - A lovable mother with a 23 year 'addiction' to Diet Mountain Dew.  After years of 'treating' her body poorly with diet soda, ice cream, and restaurant food; she committed to making...