10 Tips To Stay On Track!

10 Tips To Stay On Track!

Hard to believe another year has flown by and for many people, the ‘fresh start’ has already turned into much of the same.  The same ruts, the same routine, the same ‘good intentions’ and resolutions gone by the wayside in less than a month!

BUT, since you aren’t like MOST people (you ARE reading my blog!), I am willing to bet that you are still committed and improving yourself EVERY day!

We have all been there though, with the off days, and stumbling blocks.  Even with the best of intentions, we get busy with work, the kids, and life in general, and just MAYBE you are considering slacking off a bit.  If that happens to be the case, I have included 10 tips to stay on track and keep you MOTIVATED!

Here you go…

10 Tips To Stay ON Track:

1)     Schedule your workouts, put them on your calendar like you would any other important meeting. Evaluate your lifestyle, are you a “morning” person, than schedule your workouts first thing in the morning. “Night owls” you would benefit from workouts in the evenings. If you make your workouts a priority, you WILL fit them in.

2)     Keep a food log, writing down EVERYTHING you put in your mouth, bites and sips add up to extra calories. Taking a couple minutes after each meal to write down what you had will keep you accountable and allows you to evaluate your food combinations to make sure you are eating the correct ratio of protein, fat, and carbs.

3)     Put together a workout group with friends, co-workers, soccer moms. Working out in a group is fun, motivating and keeps you ALL accountable. In the morning, after you take kids to school, on your lunch break from work or while you are waiting for your kids at sports practice are all ideal times to get up and get moving- TOGETHER!

4)     Try a new fitness class many “deal of the day” websites have great deals on classes. Cross-Fit, Yoga, Pilates, Barre Method studios often offer free trial classes. If you have a gym membership and do the SAME classes or machines all the time. Try a different workout or machine, to engage different muscles.

Natalie Jill – ON Track!

5)     Try a great winter sport; cross country skiing, snow shoeing, Ice skating… all fun calorie burners

6)     Check out the video section of my website for great, quick workouts to add to your routine

7)     Make sure you always have healthy snacks like nuts, raw protein bars, packets of protein powder with you at all times for a quick, easy snacks or meal replacements.  I personally use and recommend the 6-pack Bag.

8)     Remember even a 10-15 minute brisk walk, jog, hike, stair climb to get your heart rate up is better than NOT exercising at all

9)     Have friends you normally meet for lunch, dinner, or happy hour? Meet them for a workout instead and change your lifestyle together.

10)  Plan your meals out for the week, prepping and pre-cooking them so that you don’t make poor food choices when you are hungry. The average “take out” chicken breast salad is 500 to 1000+ calories vs. a homemade chicken salad at 395 calories.

There you have it!  It isn’t hard, just takes some effort and planning on your part!

Remember, it takes consistency to get the body you want!

– Natalie Jill

Unprocess your diet and lose 5-7lbs the first week you start! Download the ORIGINAL 7 day jump start plan HERE.

Pick up my hard-copy book, Unprocess Your Diet, with 84 new recipes HERE.

Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change the conversation around age, potential, pain and possibility. She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs and coaching sessions. As a 50-year-old female, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and help you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals. To know more about Natalie Jill, you can visit her Facebook Profile, Tiktok, and Instagram.