4 Minute Full Body Tabata Style Workout

4 Minute Full Body Tabata Style Workout

4 Minute Full Body Tabata WorkoutTabata Workout Start App

I get questions sometimes about my real time workouts so I wanted to show you what I’m doing here in my 4 Minute Full Body Tabata Workout. I am doing a Tabata style workout right now. It’s not actual Tabata, just Tabata style. So, you might be asking, what is Tabata? Tabata training is a form of H.I.I.T. (High Intensity Interval Training) that has cycles lasting for only 4 minutes!

In this 4 minute Tabata style workout, we will be doing:

20 second segments of really, really hard work, followed by
10 seconds to recover in between, for
8 full cycles

How I time my Tabata workouts

I use the Tabata app that makes it easier by timing the cycles for me. You can incorporate almost any exercise into your Tabata workout, as long as it works your  muscle groups. This 4 Minute Full Body Tabata Workout is going to consist of Ball Slams, Alternating Ball Slams, Stability Ball Tucks, Shoulder Raises, Pike Roll Out, Band Walks, Squats, and Dead-lifts.

To watch along as I do one round of each these following exercises, click here!

Full Body Tabata Style Workout
*Sorry about the lighting — this was originally recorded for my own personal record. I didn’t know I would be sharing it.

Optional equipment for this 4 minute full body Tabata style workout

10 lbs. Slam Ball
Resistance Band
Stability Ball

Full Body Tabata Style Workout Equipment

Tabata Cycle 1: BALL SLAMS

I am starting with Ball Slams. Pick up the ball, raise it over your shoulders, and throw it down really hard into the ground. Meanwhile, squat down to pick up the ball, drive through your heels and repeat. Remember: really put in the work for 20 seconds, with a 10 second rest.


Next, I am taking the same ball slam move from before but alternating sides and incorporating a slight side lunge.

The ball I am using in my video is called a “Slam Ball” and it weighs 10lbs. You can do this with a ball or without a ball – you don’t need the ball, I just like to add a little bit of weight. This is a full body movement, although you’re really targeting your glutes.

This ENTIRE workout is only four minutes long and we have already made it a fourth of the way!


The next cycle is Stability Ball Tucks. Get into a pushup position with your feet on the stability ball. Roll your knees in toward your abs. Again, this is getting the full body but primarily focusing on abs and chest. The goal of Tabata is to get your heart rate up during the 20 seconds of really hard work and then fully recover during the 10 second rest.


Shoulder Raises. Standing with feet shoulder width apart, raise your arms up over your head and back down again. You can do this with a stability ball, with weight, without weight. My stability ball has sand in it, but it’s not for extra weight – it’s so my ball doesn’t roll away from me when I am done using it! But it does look like I have a towel or something stuck in there…haha. These Shoulder Raises are working core and shoulders. After your 20 seconds, put the ball down and take your 10 second rest. Half way done!

Tabata Cycle 5: PIKE ROLL OUT

Next we are going into a Pike Roll Out. This is a BIG core move. Put your feet on the stability ball and roll up, then roll out. You can also do this with a towel if you’re on a wooden floor, or plates if you’re on carpet. I just really LOVE the stability ball for this move because it’s a really good CONTROLLED exercise. Make sure to roll all of the way out – really work those abs. Do this for 20 seconds and then take a 10 second rest.

Tabata Cycle 6: BAND WALKS

For this cycle I put a resistance band around my ankles am doing into Band Walks. You don’t have to use a band, I just really like the resistance it adds. From a squat I stay low and start doing little side to side movements. This is working the entire leg, but really focusing on those glutes. The lower you get with your squat, the more of a glute focus you’ll get. Take it side to side, and just like everything else in this workout — on for 20 seconds, rest for 10.

ALMOST DONE — only two more exercises left. Grab some water and then NEXT!

Tabata Cycle 7: SQUATS

I am moving into Squats for this cycle. You can use weights, but I am going to do it without. What I really want you to  do here is drive up through the heels and REALLY squeeze and fire the glutes. You can feel this without weights as long as you’re concentrating on squeezing it there.  Touch all the way down, come up; remember to use your heels to drive up and squeeze those glutes!

20 seconds on and I’m out of breath again! 10 seconds of recovery and then onto the LAST exercise of this quick full body Tabata workout!

Tabata Cycle 8: DEAD-LIFTS

Dead-lifts! Same thing, I’ve got no weights but you can totally use weights here.  Stand with feet slightly apart, bend over, and really squeeze on your way up – that’s the key! Squeeze and tuck at that end.

So the ultimate goal with Tabata is to complete the 8 full sets, but listen to your body. Do what is challenging for YOU. If that means one cycle, then do one cycle. Push yourself!


NJFit TWEETit: #RealTimeWorkout Putting in serious work with this 4 Minute #Tabata Style Full Body #Workout! @NatalieJillFit
4 Min Tabata Style Workout

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Be Happy…Be Healthy…Be Fit!


-Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change the conversation around age, potential, pain and possibility. She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs and coaching sessions. As a 50-year-old female, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and help you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals. To know more about Natalie Jill, you can visit her Facebook Profile, Tiktok, and Instagram.