02 Sep 49! BRING IT!!!!!
49! Bring It!!!!!
Dang time flies!! This birthday feels especially strange as I’m now older than my father when he died which is such a strange feeling.
I do not take any year for granted and I’m so grateful for my to 49 levels of life so far! I am so looking forward to what the next years will bring. I’ve made a commitment to live my life to its fullest each and every day!
I kicked off this new “level” with a dinner last night with my favorite couples which felt so special to me this year more than ever.
Headed out on a the water today with some friends and then a dinner tonight… back to building and creating tomorrow (I’ve got a HUGE plan for my 50s and it’s being built during level 49!
Today I am present and fully enjoying my birthday!
Natalie Jill