21 Nov Don’t be a Turkey! 7 day WORKOUT challenge
Don’t be a Turkey! 7 Day Workout Challenge! 
Gobble Gobble! Listen up. I know that during Thanksgiving week me and every other fitness and nutrition person out there is sharing with you the next best “guilt free recipe”. I am shaking it up a bit to help you ENJOY that Thanksgiving meal (or MEALS). I am doing a FREE 7 day workout challenge with prizes!
Now before you panic…
You don’t need more than 20 minutes TOTAL a day, you don’t need a gym, you don’t need equipment and you can do these ANYWHERE using your own body weight. Don’t be a turkey – take the 7 day FREE don’t be a turkey challenge with me!
I will be guiding you over the next 7 days to jump start achieving your goals. If you STICK to the workouts and the advice and commit to the process you WILL get results! Read the below in its entirety so you know how to qualify for the prizes!
What happens once you accept Natalie Jill’s 7 day Don’t Be A Turkey Challenge?
- Say you are IN!
- Follow the don’t be a turkey 7 day challenge board HERE on Pinterest.
- Each day, two workout cards will be added to the board (one in the morning and one at night). The two main WORKOUT cards will have a detailed workout for you that you can do anywhere in less than 10 minutes. Each card will be linked to a VIDEO where you can do the workout with me. You can choose to do one or BOTH of the workouts for that day.
- ALL of the workouts are functional workouts that use your OWN body weight. These have been designed and organized by Natalie Jill in an order that will help you get MAXIMUM results.
- You will be part of a community of daily motivation and tips! The threads will be checked several times throughout the day to answer your questions and to keep you on track.
- There will be some BONUS surprises for you during the challenge!
- You will have access to a discount code throughout the challenge to save on any of Natalie Jills programs, nutrition plans and recipe books!
- You have an opportunity to qualify for prizes! See the bottom of this post for details.
How do you get the BEST results on the challenge?
The workouts will challenge your muscles and help you to progress towards a better version of YOU.
To get the BEST, quickest, most noticeable results on this challenge, it is HIGHLY suggested to do Natalie Jill’s Jump Start Programs throughout the challenge.
This is not mandatory, but it will greatly help your get the results you are after faster.
Get Natalie Jills 7 day Jump Start Program HERE
To access the discount visit the Challenge board HERE
Want to be eligible for prizes?
The challenge is FREE for all! There WILL be some prizes, but to qualify for those, you must purchase one of Natalie Jill’s programs during the challenge. The 7 day jump start program is highly recommended. To QUALIFY for prizes:
- Take a before picture.
- Follow the challenge board HERE.
- Purchase the 7 day jump start program with the discount code listed on the challenge board.
- Follow the challenge, encourage others and stay committed!
- Send your before and after picture along with an e-mail about your experience doing the challenge and the jump start program to ASHLYN(At)NatalieJillFitness.com
- In the email, please include if you are OK with Natalie Jill sharing your picture and what you wrote on on her social media sites and website.
What are the PRIZES?
- ALL who do the above will get a FREE Juice and Smoothie ebook from Natalie Jill.
- The TOP three most inspiring images and e-mails will get FREE LIFETIME access to Natalie Jills Mind Body Academy which is a $297.00 value.
Are you IN?
- Follow the board HERE
- Purchase the Jump Start Program HERE (If you already have the jump start you can purchase the next level program)
- Use the coupon on the pinterest board to save! You have to make a purchase between the dates of 11/21/2014 and 11/25/2014 of one of Natalie Jills Jump Start Programs or Super Shred Programs to qualify for the prizes.
- Grab a partner to do all of this with you. If you haven’t go grab one! Send e-mails, texts, or even call your friends and get them involved. ACCOUNTABILITY is so important.
- Clear your mind of all negativity, self doubt, or insecurity because this is YOUR WEEK and you are going to ATTACK THESE GOALS!
- Take a before picture to measure your progress!
Share this with your friends and ask them to join in as well! Doing this with a friend is great way to have support in this journey.