22 Aug Meet Terri! 37 Pound Weight Loss Success Story!
Meet Terri! 37 Pound Weight Loss Success Story!
In Terri’s words:
“Thank You is not enough to say to Natalie Jill and the entire team of people that helped me get my life back. I am so grateful for this amazing tribe of women and so appreciative for my new sustainable lifestyle. The opportunity to participate in Natalie’s groups has been a blessing.
Soooo proud to say that I no longer need to wear curvy jeans!! I started with Natalie Jill at a size 16 and am now wearing an 8 🙂
For most of my life I did not have to worry about my weight. I was active and thin. After suffering a back injury, my workouts stopped and I slowly began gaining weight. I am 50 and want to be active, travel and have fun!! I knew that was hard to do if I was feeling unhealthy and overweight.
Most importantly, I would like to say thank you to Natalie Jill for sharing and being fun and positive. My husband and I both enjoy the positive message that you share and the fun way you share it. My goal is to be fit and healthy!!
Weight loss is 37 pounds (since Jan 2017), BMI 25. Percent body fat 32.5. I am now inside the healthy zone and feel amazing. I have decided that this journey shall continue forever.”
Wow! Go Terri! We are SO PROUD of you! You are FIT, HEALTHY and inspiring us all!