08 Feb I was almost divorced AGAIN
I was almost divorced AGAIN
“I’m not sure I want to be married to you anymore.” Ouch. Gut punch.
I had no idea that was coming. That was three years ago when my husband Brooks told me that. We were 7 years into a relationship and this was my second marriage.
Wow. Maybe it isn’t the other person. Maybe it isn’t the situations. Maybe it IS me.
That gut wrenching month where we “took a break” my future life spun before me.
Would I be divorced AGAIN?
How would I tell my then 9 year old?
And most important, what did I actually want for my life?
If we do not declare what we want to create and focus on it, life will just “happen” TO us. Time will go by. Our desires will not get met without declarations and focus.
It was then that personal development (the thing Brooks always urged me to do) became a staple in my life. I fought the urge to stick my nose up at it and take on learning what I didn’t know that I didn’t know.
What I know for sure NOW?
You can’t build amazing things on a broken foundation. Working on ourselves first is critical. We are 100% responsible for what we want to make out of life and our relationships. They won’t grow strong on their own. They won’t stay strong on their own. As the sayings go….
Grass grows where you water it and what you focus on expands.
My biggest priority for 2020? My relationship.
So off we go for the first adventure of several this year… first stop- 2 weeks in Costa Rica. To focus on US- because when we are solid, we show up better for my daughter, for our clients and for life.
Natalie Jill