26 Feb Can you get “shredded” on a vegan diet?
Can you get “shredded” on a Vegan diet?
So, can you get shredded on a vegan diet? Whether the answer is yes or no, it is no argument that going Vegan or being a Vegetarian is indeed a lifestyle. If you’re considering being a Vegan it’s beneficial to know both the benefits and challenges of this lifestyle before you decide whether or not it is right for you. A huge question I continuously receive is how to achieve a ‘shredded’ or more muscular physique with a Vegan diet and if it is even possible?
When looking at disease prevention, thee is no questions that a vegan lifestyle can play a huge role in prevention and reversal of many environmental related diseases. When looking at personal ethics and feelings in regards to the environment and animals, that is a very personal choice. If choosing a vegan lifestyle for strictly disease prevention and/or ethical reasons, my only caution to you is to make sure you educate yourself on balancing your diet correctly and understand that “getting that lean physique” on a 100% vegan diet is VERY challenging.
It CAN be done, but it takes mega doses of greens, an acceptance to supplementing and typically including soy, grains and legumes in your diet. In regards to Sports Performance and Aesthetics, a vegan lifestyle is not recommended. Now before you mention that “body builder so and so, or athlete so and so is a vegan,” I will not argue that it CAN be done. It “CAN” be done with the RIGHT training and a very serious commitment to a heavily regimented vegan diet. One that most people would have a difficult time following to a T. This diet would typically include grains, legumes and beans which are NOT typically foods I put into a “Get shredded” plan.
Definition between vegetarian and vegan:
What is a Vegetarian? By definition: a person who does not eat meat and sometimes other animal products. Yes, there are different KINDS of vegetarians. If you are an ‘Ovo Lacto’ Vegetarian, you won’t be eating meat, but eggs and dairy will still be included in your diet. Ovo Vegetarians will eat no meat and no dairy, with the exception of eggs. Lacto Vegetarian is someone who eats no meat and no eggs, with the exception of dairy, and going completely Vegan means you are basing your diet on primarily plants, leaving meat, eggs, dairy, honey and other animal products completely out of the equation.
The concern:
The typical concern with changing your lifestyle to Veganism or Vegetarianism is replacing those lost nutrients that are found in animal products such as proteins, and other vitamins and minerals that are crucial to a healthy immune system. Of course, it is possible to get these nutrients elsewhere, but it will take some planning if you are thinking about switching to this lifestyle. Just like every decision in life can come with a list of pros and cons, choosing to be a Vegetarian does as well.
Some solid positives about Vegetarianism include the possibility of eliminating certain heart diseases and other diseases according to research and also saving money while shrinking your store list. However, the challenges with this lifestyle include constantly planning ahead, informing others of your lifestyle and opting out of certain activities or meal plans, sometimes eating BEFORE you go places, feeling limited on food choices and resorting to an overload of carbohydrates, and one of the biggest challenges: gaining muscle.
Including animal products into your diet allows you to receive a large amount of protein which can lean out and build up your body into the machine you want it o be. One of the most common questions I receive is if it’s possible to ‘shred’ your body even when you’re not including animal products into your diet and to that I say: YES, to some degree. If you conducted an experiment with two individuals of similar starting points and instructed them to complete the same work out plan, but the only difference was their diet (one being Vegan and one not) the results would be totally different. The Vegan would find it harder to get an adequate protein source and have a challenge building muscle. Of course, there are swap out Vegan Powder Proteins and other avenues, but still it is hard to achieve the right amount of protein. The individual who is a non-vegan would achieve much more muscle definition and often a leaner physique because the large amounts of protein would eliminate the need for as many carbohydrates for energy.
For those asking me “should I go Vegan?” I turn the question back to you… What is your goal? If your goal is overall health or your personal thoughts about animals then my answer differs from whether it is to get shredded. If for purely AESTHETIC reason, it is very difficult to get “shredded” on a vegan diet.
What do I PERSONALLY choose? I choose an unprocessed plant based diet. What that means to me is that I do not eat processed foods. If it is made in a plant, comes in a package, a box, has been altered it is not my food food of choice. If it once GREW I eat it. I believe in the preventative and healing powers of fruits and vegetables and they are the BULK of my diet. I DO include meats (primarily fish), I DO include some dairy, I DO include plenty of healthy fats. My grains are limited and are never gluten containing and I choose not to eat beans, legumes or soy. I maintain my athletic performance, my energy levels and my lean physique year round.
All in all, your lifestyle is your choice! It is up to you to choose what works for you. There is no right or wrong in comparison to Vegan or Non-Vegan lifestyle but remember to take into consideration your goals and ultimate end result when choosing this route.
“Be Happy…Be Healthy…Be Fit!”
– Natalie Jill