He Called Me A Chiseled Marshmallow

He Called Me A Chiseled Marshmallow

**January 4, 2016: When I WROTE this, this was what I WAS doing. For more current ways I am training, learn about STRONGER.**

What a difference small tweaks can make

A few  years ago I was a “chiseled marshmallow”.

I WAS “fit”. Fit enough that people would ask me for nutrition and workout advice daily.  I thought I was doing pretty well until my friend Ari politely described me as sort of a chiseled marshmallow. What is a chiseled marshmallow you ask?

Well for those of you who train and eat healthy you may know what I am talking about here.  It means you have muscle, you are fit, but you have a “layer” over it. It means that with the right pose, the right lighting and the right outfit you can look extra fit, but you have a layer that just won’t go away. We may not recognize ourselves as chiseled marshmallows, but rather as “someone who carries extra water” or someone who “genetically has a layer”.

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LEFT 2012 RIGHT April 2013

I was eating very healthy and I was at a great “weight”

After all,  I was a size 6 and I was fitness modeling. Not too shabby and many people would love to be a size 6! However, I had a few things I had just “accepted” about my body type and my age.

My lower back was in constant pain, my knees were starting to hurt and I accepted that “naturally lean” and “tiny” just weren’t adjectives in my dealing cards. I was eating very clean and healthy and although I wanted to be “leaner” I was NOT open to taking “fat burners”,  becoming even more “strict” with my diet or “adding more time” to my workouts.

Around this time I had met with my friend about co-writing a 12 week super shred program. All of my programs had been successful in helping people lose weight and keep it off, but I was getting a lot more questions about how to get “shredded” in a healthy manner.  I was in very good shape, but I was not the “shredded” proof that I needed to be…yet!

So the journey to a shredded me began…

As I preach to others, you have to step out of your comfort zone if you want to see different results. You have to be open minded. So I decided that it was MY turn to step out of MY comfort zone.

What I THOUGHT I needed to do previously to get “shredded” was no longer working for me and it was time to CHANGE it. Here are some things I had been doing and thought I had to do:

  • Eat many mini meals a day (often 6-8)
  • Do long drawn out cardio to burn fat
  • Eat high fiber grains
  • Do lots of reps with light weights
  • Lots and lots of crunches.

Sound familiar?

These are ALL things I did for years and had worked to an extent for me.  Those things helped me lose 60 lbs of baby weight.  Those things got me to where I was, and I still suggest those things to people that have weight to lose. They are the FIRST steps in getting to a healthy weight and maintaining it.

However, once you get “chiseled marshmallow lean” and want to take things to the next level, you have to make some changes to get that ultra-fit and ultra-lean physique in a healthy manner.

So what has changed?

Before I get into that, let me set the tone with the results: Screen shot 2013-04-19 at 11.37.19 AM

  • 13+ lbs of fat are GONE
  • My 5’2″ 123lb body is no longer a “chiseled marshmallow” it is now a lean, healthy functionally fit size 2.
  • I am now 110 lbs (from 123) and have gained lean mass while losing FAT.
  • I have gotten stronger and much more fit.  For example, I can do almost 100 chin ups throughout my workout now!
  • I am never hungry and I feel the best I have in years.
  • My back pain is GONE.

So WHAT changed?

  • I have dropped the grains. They just simply were NOT working for me anymore.  I am not low carb, as I eat PLENTY of fruits and veggies and even the occasional sweet potato fries, but the grains are GONE.
  • I do NOT eat 6-8 meals per day anymore. More like 3-5 meals a day and sometimes some pre & post workout Whey with a piece of fruit.
  • My dietary FAT has been raised to about 40% in my diet. I eat a lot of healthy fats like coconut oil, avocado and sometimes nuts, nut butters and seeds. I also DO eat organic and raw ghee.
  • The intensity of training has gone WAY up. I do a LOT of body weight exercises (pull ups, pushups, plyos, planks, the list goes on…)
  • My gym visits are SHORT, intense, to the point, and not as frequent.
  • Crunches are OUT. I have not done a crunch in over two years and my abs are more defined then ever.
  • I do some SERIOUS bodyweight training. It is intense and “heavy”. For instance, I will do a bunch of pull ups, handstand pushups, planks, pushups, sled pulls, stability ball work, and focussed PLANK variations. I am not a fan of “machines” but I DO use weights on some of my bodyweight stuff like SLED PULLS where I will pile on four 45 lb plates.
  • I am NOT against “lifting” but I suggest lifting HEAVY when you do. When I was getting “super shred” focused 70 lb sumo squats were common for me. If it wasn’t heavy and hard I did not bother.
  • Functional training and the right muscle activation exercises are a must. I spend more time foam rolling and activating my glutes prior to my workouts and as a result my back is PAIN FREE.
  • I DROPPED the “long drawn out cardio”. You are only trading calories for calories. It makes you hungrier and is a waste of time.
  • I have ADDED some supplements to my diet. More than I was using before.

I giggle at these two running images. The one on the LEFT was taken prior to my “new way” of super shred training and the one on the RIGHT was immediately POST 12 week super shred.   13 lbs of fat is what has changed…

Screen shot 2013-04-20 at 4.08.07 PMYou have to start somewhere

Doesn’t matter where you are today with your weight loss journey, the first thing you have to do is commit to change. 

For those of you just starting your weight loss journey or getting back into shape, I highly recommend you check out my jump start programs that have helped hundreds of THOUSANDS of people lose weight and change their lives.

If you are just at the beginning of your weight loss journey, start with the 7 Day Jump Start


If and when you are ready to get “shredded” and take things to the NEXT level in your fitness…time to up the INTENSITY and make several other key changes.  The pictures don’t lie, and I am a believer… to learn more about how I eat & train now and get in the best shape of YOUR life, look HERE.

And YES I am 44 and YES I am a mom so please don’t say, “but…” 🙂

Who else wants to GET IN SHAPE?

“Be Happy…Be Healthy…Be Fit!”

– Natalie Jill

Do you want to get the BEST of body weight exercises that you can do at home? Get my DVD’s HERE.

Are you ready to get SUPER SHRED FIT? Go HERE

Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change the conversation around age, potential, pain and possibility. She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs and coaching sessions. As a 50-year-old female, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and help you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals. To know more about Natalie Jill, you can visit her Facebook Profile, Tiktok, and Instagram.