18 Mar Crunchless Ab Workout on The Better Show
You don’t HAVE to do “crunches” to get Abs!
Good morning from the set of The Better Show in New York City!! I am super excited because we just filmed an awesome and super quick “crunchless ab” workout! I show host, “JD” how you can do a quick, but VERY effective Ab workout in a short amount of time that is intense!
The crunchless Ab workout episode will air on THURSDAY, April 2, 2015. For Local Listings go HERE A little look behind the scenes at the taping of The Better Show:
Getting ready to shoot the workout with host, Jd of The Better Show

JD Roberto and Natalie Jill
These 3 leg dogs to a plank knee hold are harder than they look!

JD (Host of The Better Show) FELT the side planks!

It’s a wrap! He admitted that although this workout was short – it was TOUGH!

All in all it was a super fun appearance on The Better Show!
I hope you will tune in to watch!