17 Dec Deciding Comes First
Deciding Comes First
“If I lived where you did I too would be fit, healthy, creative, successful, happy… (insert any number of words).” That is a message I get daily.
And here is the thing…You are right.
But here is my question: What are you going to do about it? How bad are you wanting what you want? I CHOSE to plant myself here in San Diego.It didn’t just happen. Let me explain.
Things don’t just happen we MAKE them happen
While I was writing this, it was 70 degrees and sunny all day and the next day was the same. And it’s the middle of December. This picture is in my backyard. I’m a few miles from the ocean and the mountains. The climate, the views, the outdoor space motivates me and makes me excited to be active, creative and more every day- it’s so true.
But here’s what you don’t know… 15 years ago, when I CHOSE to move here from a different climate, I HATED the cold gray long winters and I hated the hot humid muggy summers. It was rare that the climate wasn’t on my mind in a bad way. Soooo…what did I decide to do about it?
Deciding Comes First
- I uprooted my life.
- I left friends
- I left family
- My relationship ended.
- Everything I owned I sold.
- I walked away from comfort.
- Into the unknown I jumped.
All of this I did that for my FUTURE self, future child, future husband, future business, future friends and future health. When I first got here I had no friends. didn’t know my way around and I was highly “uncomfortable” and lonely. For about 3 weeks. That was it. Now I can’t imagine being / living/ creating from anywhere else than an environment that supports my happiness and my goals.
Our environment is EVERYTHING and life’s way too short to have it in your gap every day.
If you hate it CHANGE IT. It’s not where you live that’s at fault. It’s yours for not changing what you don’t like. Remember, DECIDING COMES FIRST.
Natalie Jill
P.S. Want more motivation to make a change? Listen in to how these 28 people did HERE