Get Fit Fast – 6 Fitness Shourtcuts to Help You Get into the Best Shape

Get Fit Fast – 6 Fitness Shourtcuts to Help You Get into the Best Shape

Today’s post is from guest blogger David Dack.  He is a runner and an established author on weight loss, motivation and fitness.

Get Fit Fast

Building the perfect physic is no easy feat. Embarking on such path requires making hard choices, enduring sacrifices, and stomaching pain and setbacks. But it’s worth the sweat. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not just talking about being the proud owner of six-pack or having the biggest biceps in town; building the perfect physic is about getting into the best shape of your life and improving your health on all levels.

Therefore, if you’re looking to turn yourself into a classical Adonis, here are 6 practical tips that can help.

Shed the Pounds With Protein

Protein is vital for building muscle mass and good recovery, but it can also help you keep hunger at bay, thus prevent excess weight.

According to a joint study by the University of Sydney and the Cambridge University, people who consumed a daily diet comprising of even just fifteen percent protein slashed about 1000 calories over a period of four days than those who opted for a ten percent protein diet.

Eat your Fats

Fats are not your enemy. In fact, consuming adequate amounts of fat can in fact help you shed weight and promote better health. Unsaturated fats keep cravings at bay and have minimum impact on blood sugar levels. They are mostly found in vegetable oils and avocados. On the other hand, saturated and trans fat are harmful since they boost your levels of LDL—what’s known as ‘bad cholesterol’—and increase the likelihood of heart ailments and weight gain.

Deadlift for Six-pack

If you’re looking to get a ripped midsection, then relying on traditional abs exercises is a waste of time and energy.

According to a study at Southern Illinois University, performing seven abs exercises five days a week for six weeks showed no reduction in body-weight, belly fat or waist circumference.

The best way for getting a six-pack instead is via using total-body exercises such as deadlifts, chin-ups and squats. These types of exercises recruit more muscles, shed mad calories, and improve core strength, thus leading to greater fitness rewards.

Free Your Muscles

If you’re looking to achieve greater muscle gains, then using free weights is the way to go. According to a study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning, working out with free weights rather than fixed machines leads to better muscle activation, thus boosting strength and fitness gains.

However, you should be careful when going heavy on the barbell bench; otherwise expect injury and setbacks.

Stretch for Success

Adding a yoga session to your training program provides as many benefits as doing aerobic exercise. In fact, yoga has been shown to outperform aerobic exercise when it comes to improving flexibility and muscle strength, a study by the University of Maryland revealed.

According to the same research, yoga can also help you reduce the levels of cortisol, the hormone responsible for belly fat , slow muscle growth and a myriad of other health troubles.

Run to Suppress Hunger

Running is cardiovascular training exercise per excellence. It can help you shed more weight by booting calorie burn and metabolism , but it can also help you prevent weight gain by suppressing appetite. According to a study published in the Journal of Sport Sciences, subjects who had completed a long run reported lower levels of ghrelin, the hormone in charge of hunger, than a group who didn’t exercise.

About the Author: David DACK is a runner and an established author on weight loss, motivation and fitness. If you want more free tips from David DACK, you can visit his site at and for a limited time you can download his 35-Pages “Weight Loss By Running” eBook  for FREE.
Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change the conversation around age, potential, pain and possibility. She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs and coaching sessions. As a 50-year-old female, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and help you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals. To know more about Natalie Jill, you can visit her Facebook Profile, Tiktok, and Instagram.