Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Your website is down for maintenance

I knew it was coming. I prepared for it, but it was still hard.

I am a worker bee and I have a constant “get it done” mentality. This is how I am wired. When I have an idea, I don’t think about why I can’t do it, I think about HOW I will do it and then I want it done…instantly. I am constantly “Fire – Ready – Aim” and never “Ready – Aim – Fire” which is what would be the smarter way to be. This is what makes me successful at times, but hurts me at others. On days like this particular day when my website was down for maintenance, this put me in a very “uncomfortable” state – one where I had to work on getting comfortable being uncomfortable.

Type A all the way…

Being wired to get things done at all costs may make you the best employee, but it doesn’t make you the best person to always be around.  When you focus on getting things done you may conquer goals and deadlines, but you miss opportunities and enjoyment along the way.

  • E-mails get answered even though there are over 100 new ones that arrive each day.
  • Social media comments get addressed even though they never ever seem to end.
  • Tech support questions get handled even though all answers ARE on my site and all orders always get filled very timely.
  • Clients get scheduled and plans get written always earlier then clients expect.

I give a Nordstrom level approach of customer service without getting or expecting thank yous and I answer just about every question or request thrown my way- and I do it promptly – many times for free. But, all of this does not leave much free time for innovation, new creations and what life is REALLY all about- Enjoying it!

Getting comfortable being uncomfortable

Those like me understand this. It is what makes us accomplish things others can’t or won’t. It is what makes us not only go after our dreams but conquer them. Others are envious of this behavior, but it is actually a detriment. We don’t know how to be comfortable when things get uncomfortable. We want everything perfect…instantly.  We don’t do well when things aren’t 100% the way we want, and we don’t handle ‘bumps in the road’ as well as others.  Like on a day when your livelihood relies on your website being functional and well, it’s not!

The to do list never stops growing

The problem with reaction mode is that you never get past reaction mode. The more you re-act and conquer things on your to-do list, the more your to-do list seems to grow. It is a never ending cycle. If you do this with your own business, there is no break. There is no evening, weekend or holiday, because something is ALWAYS there for you to address. Until something stops you in your tracks and you can’t.

In the whole scheme of things, my website being down was so minor

It is not even close to an earth shattering event, but for those of us with a “get it done” mentality, you will understand this: It gave me time to think.

  • Does anything really bad happen if an e-mail is not responded to instantly? NO
  • Does anything really bad happen when you walk away from your inbox? NO
  • Does anything really bad happen if you can’t access your clients profiles for  a day or two- NO
  • Does anything really bad happen if people can’t access your website for a day (or two)- um NO!
  • Does anyone else besides me care that my website is down temporarily? – NO
  • Is anyone going to decide they don’t want to work with me because my site is down? NO

I realized all those questions had the same answer and I remembered that day about “smelling the roses”. I appreciated going for a walk outside with no agenda or goal. I APPRECIATED hanging out with my daughter and boyfriend without thinking about the time and the waiting demands from others. I realized that what is most important to me is right in front of me.

After those 48 hours things changed slightly…but it’s a start. I changed the contact page on my new website. I changed the terms of some of my programs. I changed the pop up notification of my e-mails and messages to not pop up.  I DECIDED to not be a slave to everyone else’s time demands. I decided that the world would go on. And yes, my website is back up. With a NEW addition – a tab about BALANCE 🙂


“Be Happy… Be Healthy…Be Fit!”

– Natalie Jill

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Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change the conversation around age, potential, pain and possibility. She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs and coaching sessions. As a 50-year-old female, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and help you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals. To know more about Natalie Jill, you can visit her Facebook Profile, Tiktok, and Instagram.