How Breast Implants and Capsular Contracture Almost Ruined My Fitness Career

How Breast Implants and Capsular Contracture Almost Ruined My Fitness Career

How Breast Implants and Capsular Contracture almost Ruined My Fitness Career

If you have, or have ever wanted breast implants, please watch the video below with my story and find out how I ended up having SIX surgeries over a period of many years.  I don’t think most people realize that implants are not ‘permanent’ and will have to be redone every 10-15 years even if there aren’t any issues.

It all began at age 19

Age 19, not a wrinkle in site and not a real care in the world. My days consisted of studying (I was in college), bartending part time and hanging out with friends. Breast implants were the new trendy thing and all of my friends were saving up to do them.

As someone who was a small size B, I was self conscious about my chest size. But even more so then because everyone I knew was getting implants and I was constantly reminded of my small size.

I went to the consult for the surgery and remember thinking the $3500 was so much money. I certainly did not have that extra money on my bartender salary but there were loans quick to access and I remember begging my parents to co-sign. My mom was against it, but the sales person in my case convinced my parents why I “HAD” to do this.

When we are young, we don’t think much about consequences.

At 19 we don’t think much about consequences. We are about immediate gratification and the “right now”.  Complications, aging, and problems seem so far down the road and not like anything that could possible happen to “us”.

I remember waking up from that surgery feeling like bricks had been stuffed in my chest. It was painful but I felt at the time it would all be worth it. That was…until the following 25 years of complications started.

There was the first capsular contracture.

There was the banning of silicone where I was convinced I needed to remove the silicone and replace with saline. In surgery I woke up to my mother standing above me saying, “I should have told the surgeon to remove those dang things.”

As it turns out, the silicone was ruptured and the surgery turned into a lengthy process of lipo suctioning out my real breast tissue to get out all of the leaky gel. Much of it would never be recovered.

And then there was the ripples from the saline…and the lost nipple sensation and the inability to breast feed.

And then the capsulur contracture again…

And again…

Until the worst of my surgeries 8 months ago where a well known surgeon botched my whole procedure leaving me deformed, in pain and unable to workout with an ever growing infection.

The final surgery I had was a month ago. This surgery was not an option as I had a major infection that had to be dealt with. I asked about total removal which was not an option with the damage and stretched skin. This was a near 7 hour procedure and two surgeons were involved. The infection and capsule were removed, my muscle was re-attached and some new gel filled shaped implants were placed over my muscle. This was by far the most extensive surgery to date.

As I sit here typing- I have a lot of pain. My book launches in 2 months (on May 3rd) and at the busiest time of my career I cant workout, let alone drive or walk. I have drains attached to me carrying liquids of blood and goop. I am wearing compression stockings for 2 weeks and my ankles are now kankles.  This is not attractive.

I have had 6 surgeries, 6 recoveries, taken 3 months from working out SIX times now. I have had my muscle torn up and re-attached 6 times. I have spend tens of thousands of dollars, and have taken more antibiotics and pain killers than I care to remember.

I am not against plastic surgery. I am not against doing things to improve your self confidence. I just wanted to share my story to let you now that there is more to implants that is advertised; they are a life long commitment.

To have a consult with Dr. Cat go HERE

I hope sharing my story can help you or somebody you may know make an informed decision about plastic surgery.

Be Happy…  Be Healthy…  Be FIT!

-Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change the conversation around age, potential, pain and possibility. She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs and coaching sessions. As a 50-year-old female, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and help you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals. To know more about Natalie Jill, you can visit her Facebook Profile, Tiktok, and Instagram.