How to Make Your Goals a Reality – video

How to Make Your Goals a Reality – video

How to Make Your Goals a Reality

In this video, I share FIVE tips on how to make your goals a reality. I mean let’s face it. It’s that time of year (AGAIN) where we all make those resolutions we don’t stick to, promises we don’t keep, and essentially, set ourselves up for failure. BUT, I can help teach you how to make your goals become a REALITY!

NJFit TWEETit: Let’s NOT fall off the success train this year. 5 Tips to Make Your GOALS a REALITY! #letsdothis @NatalieJillFitess

How to Make Your Goals a Reality Tip #1 – Create a Vision BoardHow to Make Your Goals a Reality with Natalie Jill

You may think it sounds silly, but I PROMISE you, it works.  For me, I took a huge piece of poster board and pasted pictures or words of everything I envisioned and wanted for my life. It could be a goal, a fantasy, a dream; make it of whatever it is that you’re after, but it needs to be visual. When you have something to actually look at, it helps you focus MORE on your goals and give you something to strive for.

How to Make Your Goals a Reality Tip #2 – Write your Goals Down

Similar to a vision board, you need to first, WRITE your goals down. How can anything become a reality if you don’t clearly know what you want? Start with fantasy goals, move onto long term goals and then break it down in to short term goals. What can you accomplish today? What can you accomplish in six months? You want to pay down your debt? You want a new job? You want a new car? Write your goals down!

How to Make Your Goals a Reality Tip # 3 – Share your Goals

If you share your goals, it will make you more accountable to reach them. Do this! Tell your friends what you’re going to do with a matter of conviction and make it happen!

How to Make Your Goals a Reality Tip # 4 – I call it the “Two and Three”

What am I talking about? We all have those giant “to do” lists on notepads or in the “notes” section in our cell phones, or on 75 little Post-its.  That’s too scary and can sometimes feel overwhelming. Think: what are TWO things I can do every day to help me get toward my goal? And then THINK: What are THREE things I can complete right now? Can you return a phone call? Respond to an email? What can you do right now?  RECAP: 3 things you can do right now and 2 things you can do on a daily basis to move toward your goals!

How to Make Your Goals a Reality Tip #5 – Make a “To Don’t Do” list

No offense, but I’m pretty confident there are some items on your list that you really DON’T need to do. Do you need to scroll through Instagram and get caught up from the last 12 weeks? Do you need to watch a marathon of Breaking Bad or go through your Facebook page and comment on every single post? Are those REALLY going to help you reach your goals?

Let’s do this! Happy New Year!

“Be Happy…Be Healthy… Be Fit!”

Natalie Jill

For more information and tools on how to change your mindset, check out my business page HERE.

Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change the conversation around age, potential, pain and possibility. She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs and coaching sessions. As a 50-year-old female, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and help you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals. To know more about Natalie Jill, you can visit her Facebook Profile, Tiktok, and Instagram.