How To Navigate Information Overload with Nutrition, Fitness, Weight Loss

How To Navigate Information Overload with Nutrition, Fitness, Weight Loss

How To Navigate Information Overload With Nutrition, Fitness, Weight Loss

Let’s talk about how to navigate information overload with nutrition, fitness and weight loss. There’s so much information out there and it can get overwhelming and set us up for failure!

I’m a functional fitness trainer and licensed master sports nutritionist, and what I do is simplify fitness to help people become their best selves possible.

I’ve got three main points that I want to share with you about information overload.

#1 Use Common Sensehow to navigate the information overload when it comes to nutrition, fitness and weight loss with Natalie Jill

I know that sounds basic, but there’s so much information overload out there, and if it sounds weird and too good to be true it probably is.

If anyone is telling you that you have to take this pill or use that product, that’s not true because there’s no one pill or product that does everything for you.  So,  you have to use common sense.

When someone tells you that you have to eliminate an entire food group, that’s not common sense. You know we can’t function without carbs, so don’t let anyone tell you to eliminate carbs.

Carbs come in many forms, like fruits and vegetables, those are good.  Also, if you eliminate carbs completely, you’re brain will not be functioning at it’s best. You need carbs for proper brain function.

It’s also not possible to lose extreme weight in a short amount of time.

If you’re overweight and you’re eating an unprocessed food diet with a lot of junk, and you clean up your diet, yes you can

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absolutely lose a lot of weight initially.

But,  after the first couple of weeks two pounds of fat loss is about what is normal and expected. Two pounds a week, that’s 104 pounds a year and that’s healthy. Anyone that tells you to lose 75 pounds a month, that’s not common sense.

So anything that doesn’t sound true is probably not true!

how to navigate the information overload when it comes to nutrition, fitness and weight loss with Natalie Jill#2 Understand How The Foods You Eat Effect Your Body

You all have heard the saying, “give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach him to fish and he eats for a lifetime”

Anyone can give you a written workout or diet, but if you don’t understand why that works, it’s probably not going to work long-term for you. It’s a lot easier to stay on track with things when we understand them.

For instance, a lot of people don’t understand that when you eat a lot of processed sugar like starchy carbs and candy, your body is going to make an insulin spike, and when you crash from that, your body is going to crave more. That’s why when you have heavy starchy carbs, you can’t put them down – you just keep going!

On the other hand, you can’t overeat broccoli, or fish or chicken. It’s really hard to overeat real, natural, un-processed foods. So when you understand that, you’re less likely to grab them, than when you’re relying on willpower.

My advice to you is, try to understand any plan before you do it. Question and challenge things, just because you read it or saw it on TV doesn’t mean it’s fact, it has to make sense, do your own research.

#3 Stop trying and start committing how to navigate the information overload when it comes to nutrition, fitness and weight loss with Natalie Jill

When you commit to something, make it happen. Do not try, commit. When you decide you’re going to change something with your diet or fitness or lifestyle, commit to figuring out that process.

You can pick any weight loss program. Do your own research and pick one that you understand and you know is going to work. Pretty much anything out there is going to work if you just commit to it. Don’t just try, athletes don’t go to complete to try to win!

Just a recap of all the points, how To Navigate Information Overload With Nutrition,Fitness, Weight Loss

first, use your common sense, secondly understand any diet and fitness plan before you start, and last, you need to commit to something.


Be Happy…Be Healthy…Be FIT!

-Natalie Jill


Bloat, Fat, and Fatigue BE GONE! Give me 7 days to teach you the habits to get the weight off and change your life FOREVER! Start HERE




At the end of this live broadcast I took a few Q&A’s from the audience. Below are some helpful FAQ’s that came from this broadcast:

Question: I never thought about the why, but that makes so much sense.

Yes, the why is so important. And it can be a few different things, why something someone is telling you has to make sense and also why you’re doing it. You have to know why you want to get fit and lose weight, and it can’t be because your husband wants you thinner or you want to fit in a dress. For me, I want to feel energetic and good for 44, I want to be able to move without pain, I want to motivate and inspire others and be a good example for my daughter. It makes it a lot easier to stuck to your choices when you know why you’re doing them. Click HERE for more information on how to find your why.

Question: How do I get over cravings?

That is something we all deal with, but there are some things you can do to help control them. First, our bodies crave things for a reason, so I would want to know where the cravings are coming from. The more you eat an unprocessed natural food diet, the more out bodies get in touch with what we really need to eat. It gets in touch with what we’re craving, and we start to listen to that. A big reason for cravings is if we’re eating a lot of artificial sweeteners, because your body thinks it’s getting those calories yet it’s not. Sometimes eating a lot of the starchy carbs and sugar is going to create an insulin spike that’s going to crave even more of that. If you’re craving nut butter or nuts, your body is telling you it needs fats. Your body is going to start to crave strange things as it needs them.

Question: What do I use as a sweetener?

I get most of my sweeteners from real fruits. When you eat a clean, natural unprocessed food diet, fruit will become very sweet to you, especially organic fruit. If however I need something yummy, I will use coconut sugar, maple syrup or honey – I use the real thing and just a small portion of it to balance with fats and proteins so that I don’t get that spike. I stay away from any of the artificial sweeteners.

Question: What can I do to slim down my stomach area?

Ask yourself, is it bloat, fat or excess skin? If it is excess fat then you need to do the right exercises to develop muscle in that area, and also up the intensity of what you’re doing and eat healthy so you can burn and get rid of overall fat. If it’s bloat you should look at what is causing that; is it hormones at specific times of the month; or dehydration because when we’re not drinking a lot of water, we retain it; or it is artificial sweeteners, gluten and dairy. You need to know what is causing the bloat, and take those things out.

Question: Is peanut butter okay to eat?

I think it’s a better choice than some things, however peanuts are legumes not nuts. They contain a mold called aflatoxin, so personally I’m not a fan of them. I would prefer another butter like almond or another nut. Peanuts are not a terrible choice for you, they’re a better choice than other things but also there are better choices than peanuts.

Question: What’s your advice on ice-cream?

If you’re going to have it, have the real thing. Use simple ingredients; cream, sugar, chocolate! Have it in moderation. If we have the fake ‘fat-free’ ‘sugar-free’ stuff, we’re just going to crave the real thing, you’d rather have a scoop of the right thing. An alternative to ice-cream is coconut milk ice-cream.

Question: What is the best fish besides salmon?

I’m fan of all fish, I would just prefer you get wild fish as opposed to farm fish because they eat a more natural diet, versus being fed junk in a contained space.

Question: Can some vegetables leave you feeling bloated?

Yes, they definitely can, like broccoli and cauliflower. I would stay away from a vegetable if it’s making you feel bloated. One reason vegetables will bloat us is if we’re not hydrated, and the other reason is if you’re not used to vegetables and you start taking them, initially you might feel bloated.

Question: Can you explain MCT and brain octane oil?

Yes, coconut oil is my favorite oil because your body doesn’t process it the way it processes other oils. It will help with your cravings and other benefits too. MCT oil is the best part of it, you can use it or coconut oil or brain octane.

Question: I’m allergic to coconut oil.

Don’t fret, there are other oils you can use that are amazing, like olive oil, just don’t cook high heat with it. There’s also avocado oil and ghee.

Question: Should I do strength training or cardio first?

I’m not really a fan of cardio. If you don’t love cardio and you’re just doing it to burn fat and calories, it’s kind of a waste of time. I see people daily just leaning on the elliptical, reading or talking to their friends, and that’s not doing anything. However, if you’re doing your cardio like an athlete, if you’re sprinting or bike riding or hiking and such, that’s okay. I’m not a fan of a cardio machines, but if you love it keep doing it. It’s not going to help your body unless you’re upping the intensity. I wouldn’t advise it unless you’re trying to temporarily get lean. When I used to do an elliptical, my feet would fall asleep and cramp up. So I would go with strength training, and if you’re going to do cardio, do high intensity training. More on cardio for weight loss HERE

Question: How do you feel about carb cycling?

It doesn’t work long term.

Question: Do you drink bottled water or special filtered water?

I don’t drink from the tap, I filter it.

Question: Is tea good?

Yes, tea is great for you! But again, adding artificial sweeteners will counteract the health benefits.

Question: What are the main ingredients to look for in protein bars?

Go to, I break them all down and you can see what to look for. I also offer some recipes to make your own bars in my book,

Question: How many miles do you need to walk to get a benefit?

There’s no magical number. If you’re a couch potato right now and you start walking, you’re going to get a benefit. It’s not about mile counting, I walk about 3 miles most days, but it’s not like I’ve got to walk a certain number to get a benefit. It depends on your body and what’s intense for you, sitting and doing nothing is the worst for you. Training and doing the right exercises comes right after that.

Question: I need a good exercise for my arms.

On my YouTube channel,, I’ve got an entire playlist or arm workouts.

Question: What would be your top three tips of 46 year old women who need to lose 100 pounds?

First of all kudos to you for making the decision to want to lose 100 pounds. The first tip; start moving your body more, sit less and move more. Secondly, think less subtraction and more addition, for instance can you start drinking more water, can add more wholesome real natural unprocessed food, fruits, vegetables, lean protein, nuts and seeds? That will make less room for the bad stuff. My third tip is to get my book, 7 Day Jump Star: Unprocess Your Diet, because it’s made for you. You can get that at

Question: What supplements do I take?

If you go to, you can see the things that I like.

Question: In your book are there a lot of grab and go foods?

Yes and no. There are 84 new recipes in there, but what it does is teach you how to eat an unprocessed food diet. So the book will teach you how you can literally eat out of your car if you need to, but it also have 84 new yummy recipes.

Question: Will you being doing a podcast in your future?

Probably not, because I don’t have enough time and also I don’t have a great voice. I however been in to a lot of podcasts, if you go to iTunes or wherever you get your podcasts, and search my name Natalie Jill, there’s like 20 podcasts you’ll find. I like Facebook live, I get to talk to you and see your questions. If you want to make sure you get my notifications, subscribe and you’ll be notified when I go live, and if you miss it you can always catch the replay at any time. I like sharing free content, I’m going to continue doing it. I have over 200 videos on my YouTube channel, I post daily on Facebook and Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat, and the biggest thank you you can give me is to purchase my hardcopy book. There’s a lot of really bad programs out there, and I just want to get this simplified for people.






Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change the conversation around age, potential, pain and possibility. She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs and coaching sessions. As a 50-year-old female, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and help you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals. To know more about Natalie Jill, you can visit her Facebook Profile, Tiktok, and Instagram.