11 Aug Jiggle be gone! No more bingo arms, flabby abs, saddlebags (video)
Stop the Jiggle today!
Jiggle be gone! In today’s workout, we are targeting those areas with that high jiggle tendency 🙂 I get so many requests for help with “Bingo Arms”, flabby abs and saddlebags…not to mention the weak core and those pesky inner thighs.  Sooooo, THAT is what we are going to address in this workout today…focus on bingo arms, flabby abs, and those pesky inner and outer thighs.
For these series of exercises all you need is your own body weight, an area to workout in and very little time (the whole workout is less than 10 minutes!)
Here are the Exercises:Â 
Triceps Kickback From A Sumo Squat – To stop the bingo arms
Go ahead and get in a sumo squat position, toes pointed slightly out, take your arms back and squeeze, bring it up and come up. When squeezing those arms back, use all that resistance, working back of that arm.
We’re not done yet! I want you to hold that sumo squat, hold it, push those arms back, get a little lower and finish with tiny pulses, while resting your hands on your thighs.
Now, we’re going to take some steps forward and back, staying as low as you can.
Reverse Bridge – To work those flabby thighs
Take it to the ground, toes and fingers pointed forward, in a bridge position, one leg up and then to triceps dips, hold that leg up, switch legs.
Next, hold that leg up, turn it outward and do tiny little pulses, working that inner thigh
Don’t give up on those arms and keep breathing and do the same thing on the other side
These are ALL simple moves to work the core, triceps, and legs
You can repeat as many times as you want, but like I always say, there is no magic number of repetitions; it’s whatever feels intense for you
Making it intense is what is going to change your body!
Be Happy… Be Healthy… Be FIT!
-Natalie Jill
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