How to lose the weight

How to lose the weight

How to lose the weight

Overweight and facing blood pressure medication…

…was the catalyst for change & transformation.

Meet Jim.  Read his story.  Apply it.  GET RESULTS!  See you at the bottom of the page…

In Jim’s words…

Being married for 27 years and raising 2 daughters, both now in their mid twenties, the word “diet” was nothing new to me.  Looking back, seems as though some one in my family was always trying to lose weight with the latest popular “thin is in”  craze.

I lived through Richard Simmons “Sweatin to the Oldies”, something called Scarsdale, whatever Oprah did; and who can forget adding up untold numbers of points printed on wrappers and labels.  There was even the “Cabbage Soup” diet that landed my wife in the emergency room after losing 20lbs in three weeks.  Of course none of these worked long term and the lasting affects of failure just seem to add to a persons low self esteem.  It was like a vicious cycle.  It is no wonder I sat at my desk 5 months ago wondering what I was going to do.  I was 50 pounds overweight and looking at starting blood pressure medication.  Not wanting to go on a prescription drug, it looked like it was my turn to give this “diet” thing a whirl.

Timing is everything:

I have always heard “timing is everything” and it must be true.  For some reason that only facebook knows,  some blog got shared with some fitness model in it.  I must admit the great looking trainer/model is what first captured my attention but after reading her blog regarding the proper nutrition and the hard work getting in shape was  going to involve, Natalie Jill struck a chord with me.  A no excuse, work hard and sweat it off process was something I could do.  The word diet just sent shivers up my back but Natalie seemed to concentrate more on what a person CAN eat, not what they cant eat.  She was offering so much information for free to people and seemed genuinely concerned.  I bought her Stay Lean recipes and it was GAME ON.

Studying Facebook:

I subscribed to Natalie Jills facebook site and devoured everything I could about what she was doing.  Soon she had several videos on You Tube.  I fell in love with the “eat clean and natural” program.  I learned the benefits of lifting weights and resistance training and started working out 3 times a week allowing for a day of recovery between each visit to the gym.  Days I did not go to the gym I did some stretching with a yoga DVD and a book by Rodney Yee.  Time in front of the TV was eliminated almost completely and replaced with reading and researching what I was doing.  I was over the top as my personality tends to do and my family had no choice but to join me.

The family joined in: Its true, results are what matters and that is what people see.  My wife and my youngest daughter joined me after I had lost 20 pounds the first 2 months.  I am eating natural, real unprocessed foods and enjoying it!  They got tired of counting points on candy bars and other processed foods and joined in.  I am now 17 weeks in and down 43 pounds.  My wife and daughter have both lost between 15 and 20 pounds.  While they are not as hardcore as I am yet, it is amazing to see what it has done for the self image of each one of us!  My blood pressure has dropped 25-30 points and is actually well below the 120/80 standard.  It’s a lifestyle now.  A habit.

What helped me stay motivated:

Some things that really helped me was the Screen shot 2013-03-05 at 12.48.42 PMsupport of Natalie Jill and her friends/subscribers on Facebook.   It is always nice to read the posts and know there are others out there going through the same things and support each other.

Learning about food:

I learned about protein, carbohydrates, and fats. I learned that there are different kinds and how to make them work together.  Understanding these nutritional guidelines gave me confidence that I was doing the right things for myself and for my family.  I don’t watch TV much, as I find this is also a mind game.  You can’t feel good about yourself and at the same time watch soap operas, war, or murders on tv.  We prep 80% of our food for the Screen shot 2013-03-05 at 12.45.43 PMweek on the weekends.   Instead of packaged processed foods, our refrigerator is filled with tupper ware and real food.  Setting a couple hours aside on the weekend, food prep is something we now do together as a family making it so easy to quickly put meals together during the week.  I learned to read labels and google the ingredients.  If you do this be prepared to be mad, sad and happy at the same time.  It is a real eye opener when you see what is in a lot of today’s food.

These are just a few things I have learned and do that are working great.  I look forward to following you, and hearing from your other clients and hearing of their successes as well.  Thanks again Natalie…

– Jim

Be happy… be healthy… be FIT!

-Natalie Jill

Want to jump start your weight loss transformation? Get the programs Jim used HERE

In Jims own words when he did the 12 week super shred:


Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change the conversation around age, potential, pain and possibility. She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs and coaching sessions. As a 50-year-old female, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and help you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals. To know more about Natalie Jill, you can visit her Facebook Profile, Tiktok, and Instagram.