March Breakthrough VIP Weekend in San Diego

March Breakthrough VIP Weekend in San Diego

Do you make space for yourself to reflect and dream a priority?


I got to be the vessel for 13 amazing humans recently to reflect, unwind, take care of themselves and for THEM to breakthrough “false assumed truths” that were in the way! If you don’t know what a false assumed truth is (yet) it is anytime we have a belief that is stopping us from getting to the next level of our goals. Things like a diagnosis and what that may or may not mean for us, our AGE and what society conditions us to believe aging has to mea, financial situations and our belief around our earning potential, and more.

What I LOVE about the VIP in person get togethers is it is experiential. What that means is that instead of just watching a video series, reading a book, or taking a course we are IN the process for several days. EXPERIENCES, especially ones that use all of our senses, truly make a mark on us. Transformation is born from these types of experiences.

Every group I curate is totally different.  The commonality at all of them? We move our bodies, we nourish with the most amazing organic, healing foods, we bond with new friends , we have a LOT of fun and most importantly, we have epic BREAKTHROUGHS!

Their weekend will never be forgotten.

Some of the highlights from the most recent VIP weekend…


The food from two world class chefs was EXTRAORDINARY! We ate, and ate again many many times…AND released weight while doing so!


All of my VIP guest were showered with gifts from so many amazing partners


Popflex Active gave us amazing yoga mats and extra large water bottles! These were so perfect after yoga with Kim from the one love movement!

V Shred Clothing (Use code NatalieJ20) provided us with some fun leggings! We lived in active wear the whole weekend!

Fitplan App provided us with shaker bottles and workout bands! These were so perfect for our workouts!

Katya Love Skincare (Use code NatalieJill if you would like to experience this line! ) was a TRUE HIT! Her oil is something I swear by! The group loved the transformation camera ready oil!

Good Sam Foods provided us with SUGAR FREE CHOCOLATE!  Toodaloo shared with us their TRAIL MIX!

Chalene Johnson provided every guest with her signature PUSH JOURNALS, her 131 method book and here new Sleep Gummies.

Angie and Mike Lee provided us all with some incredible goodies from SoulCBD (Use Code NatalieJill).

I can’t wait to bring the next epic group together! Do you want to attend our next VIP weekend? GO HERE to apply! 

Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change the conversation around age, potential, pain and possibility. She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs and coaching sessions. As a 50-year-old female, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and help you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals. To know more about Natalie Jill, you can visit her Facebook Profile, Tiktok, and Instagram.