My Lorna Jane Activewear Experience

My Lorna Jane Activewear Experience

“Move – Nourish – Believe” & Dress The Part – My Lorna Jane Activewear Experience

Are you a “whatever” dresser or a “fashionista” when it comes to workout clothing?

Are you someone who rolls out of bed and puts on an old ratty t-shirt and your boyfriend/husbands too-big-shorts and heads to the gym? OR are you someone that gets into cute and stylish workout clothes?

I am for SURE the latter…HA!

I live in workout clothes 90% of the time so comfort and style IS very important to me. I mean, really why shouldn’t that be ok?

Lorna Jane - Natalie Jill 1Whether you’re running outside, taking a fitness class, pumping iron or on a run, what you wear sends a message about how you feel about that “event”. This is important! This is life-changing!

Do you want to tell people that you’re ashamed of your body and that you’re embarrassed to be working out, or do you want to exude confidence and pride in both your physique and your efforts? And most importantly, don’t you feel better about yourself and body image in general when you look cute in what you are wearing?

From a motivational standpoint, no matter how unmotivated you may feel, putting on a bright and energizing outfit can be incredibly motivating. It’s like putting on a uniform – you’re telling yourself that it’s time to go to work!


Here is the thing, WHAT you wear doesn’t have to be ridiculously expensive, flashy, or skimpy either.

However, you MIGHT notice that when you feel good in what you are wearing you feel proud, more confident, and more motivated!  It is THAT attitude, when carried through to your workout, that can be highly uplifting! Wearing a pair of baggy shorts and a sweat-stained t-shirt isn’t motivating. In fact, it tends to zap the energy right out of you. You might as well be going to bed!

So what should you wear?

To begin with, EVERYONE looks good in black, and EVERYONE’S mood gets boosted in bright bold colors.  If you aren’t tremendously confident in your shape and size (you WILL BE soon enough if you keep working hard with me!), stick to clothing that provides a good amount of coverage, but that also wicks away moisture and sweat.

Purchase from a store that has knowledgeable staff that can help you find the right comfort, fit and look for YOUR shape. If you have to readjust the clothing over and over while trying it on, you’ll be doing the same thing once you’re working out. So make sure you’re comfortable from the start.

If you are feeling good about your body, try to pick clothing that shows off or highlights your best assets.

Have great legs? Wear shorts and SHOW THEM OFF!

Are your arms feeling strong and looking toned? Stick to tank tops and SHOW THEM OFF!

Do you feel like those squats and lunges are starting to pay off? Wear some form-fitting leggings that highlight your tight tush and SHOW OFF YOUR HARD WORK!

Personally, because of my job (which is very intertwined with my life) workout clothes are a staple in my wardrobe. Stylish ones help me stay motivated throughout the day, as well as during working hours when I conduct a personal consultation or have a photo shoot.

For me, finding outfits that are durable, wearable, stylish and affordable can sometimes be a challenge.

Lorna Jane

Natalie Jill in Lorna Jane ActivewearI had the opportunity recently to visit a Lorna Jane store. They had reached out to me encouraging me to check out their line.

The day I visited was a hectic day for me. I had my normal 1000 things to do, I was feeling yuck as I had been in my workout clothes since early am but hadn’t been able to workout yet, and I was not too excited about checking out something new.  I have to admit, I have my favorites and I don’t normally veer.

HOWEVER, everything changed once I walked in the store.

The bright colors, stylish displays, and their uplifting and motivating sayings and imagery were displayed throughout the store, on the staff AND on the line of clothes.

Their employees were also extremely helpful at finding the right style for my body.  My experience in the store trying on their clothes got me FIRED UP to go and DO my workout!  If an outfit can do THAT to me, then that is all the proof I need that this line is something worth checking out.

They are reasonably priced and super stylish. Their whole line is designed for women by women. (GIRL POWER!) and what I love most about them is that they aim is to inspire women to live their best life through active living. They believe in a three pillared philosophy of MOVE NOURISH BELIEVE and it is this mantra together with their clothing that encourages and motivates women globally to be the best they can be. Lorna Jane’s mantra is that they are “not simply a clothing label, but a way of life.”

For those of you who follow me on social media, you may have seen that I get a lot of questions about my workout attire. I have worn a number of brands and I see Lorna Jane Activewear quickly becoming one I add to my wardrobe.

Regardless if you decide to check out Lorna Jane or even just invest in some new workout attire from your favorite store, my goal is to eliminate any barriers that stand between you, your motivation, and that much-needed work-out. Treat your body with the admiration it deserves, and it will reward you ten-fold!

Excuses or Solutions…YOU decide!

– Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change the conversation around age, potential, pain and possibility. She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs and coaching sessions. As a 50-year-old female, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and help you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals. To know more about Natalie Jill, you can visit her Facebook Profile, Tiktok, and Instagram.