What Do Pink Tutu’s, Healthy Mouths, and Rope Climbs Have In Common? (hint: Shape Diva Dash)

What Do Pink Tutu’s, Healthy Mouths, and Rope Climbs Have In Common? (hint: Shape Diva Dash)

Find out in my…

Crest Pro Health Sponsored Shape Diva Dash Experience

Is that my shin hurting?

OK SERIOUSLY, I am a in a bit of pain this morning… well, maybe “a bit” is an under exaggeration… I am actually QUITE sore from my knee to my foot on my right leg. Well, in truth, just walking this morning is a bit of a struggle ☺

Me and Tamilee Webb in front of the Shape Diva Dash sign

Me and Tamilee Webb in front of the Shape Diva Dash sign

I am SO not a runner. I may be a “sometimes sprinter” or a “sometimes light jogger,” but a speedy 5K runner I am NOT!

For the record…I’m also NOT a fan of heat and humidity. BUT…I do however love a good challenge!

I love to travel and I love FUN workouts that push me to do something different you don’t get to do everyday.

Soooo, when I heard about the Crest Pro Health sponsored Diva Dash I was IN!

Never mind that it was in Charlotte, NC during the peak of the summer. After growing up on the East Coast, but being in San Diego for the past 10 years, I had almost forgotten what heat and humidity were all about!

Well, Charlotte certainly didn’t disappoint. Weather forecast was 95 degrees with 90% humidity…and I started sweating just thinking about it!

Didn’t matter, I agreed to a challenge and I was looking forward to it. I grabbed my good friend and partner-in-crime Tamilee Webb (yes, the one of Buns Of Steel fame), and we trekked across the country together for the Diva Dash.

I’m up at 3 am!

It is 3 am. Well technically it is 6 am here in Charlotte BUT I am still on Pacific time where it definitely felt like an EARLY morning.

Getting Ready...and starting the day with fresh breath with Crest Tarter Protection Rinse!

Getting Ready…and starting the day with fresh breath with Crest Tarter Protection Rinse!

I am in my bright pink and purple attire. In case you weren’t aware, part of the fun of the Diva Dash is getting all Diva’d out!

Woman came in tutu’s, glitter, sparkles, jewelry, funny hats and more. Anything goes but DIVA is the theme. All of my tutu’s were at the dry cleaners (don’t you hate it when that happens!?!?) so bright pink and purple running clothes will have to do.
• Dressed CHECK!
• Breakfast CHECK!
• Brush, rinse, repeat CHECK!

Hey, health DOES start with a healthy mouth and CREST is sponsoring the event so I am showing up with my ProHealth rinsed mouth…and fresh breath! ☺

Heat, humidity, running oh boy… What did I agree to?

It didn’t take long after the car door opened to start getting excited! The positive energy was everywhere and the people were just amazing.

Everywhere you looked there were groups of happy woman with smiles on their faces and you could just feel the energy in the air. Not just that, but everyone is friendly.

Something happens when you mix diva costumes and Shape Magazine’s theme of the race…it just spreads a contagious energy! I meet so many AMAZING women during the entire event. It is SO awesome to have so many cool women around that are friendly and you chat about everything from shoes, to clothes, to fitness, to the cool sponsors for this event.

We are FIRED up and READY to do this!

Dr. Travis Stork with a bunch of 'Divas'. (I'm to the left of him)

Dr. Travis Stork with a bunch of ‘Divas’. (I’m to the left of him)

But wait just one second…

Since it is a ‘Diva Dash’, leave it to Crest, to bring one Dr. Travis Stork to the CREST Pro Health booth for the entire event! The ladies I saw were certainly glad he was there!

In case you were wondering, Dr. Travis Stork was on the TV show The Bachelor and is the host of The Doctors. And if you didn’t know…he is TALL!

I couldn’t resist asking to take a picture with him and I did. He sets off the race discussing the importance of a healthy mouth as part of overall health (SEE! I am GLAD I rinsed!)

Warmed up and we are OFF!

I started the race but in the back of my mind, I was PLANNING my escape. Before I had finished mile one, I decided I may have to cut things a bit short… I am HOT and sweating and wait I am only 5 minutes in!

But WOW…all these woman are so supportive and motivating! We are chatting the entire time, even as we are panting like dogs in the 95-degree heat. There was so much support and team spirit throughout. For the ENTIRE race, women were encouraging and supporting one another.

We get to the first obstacle, and the cool things is that there are people there to help with each obstacle, and some even have ‘beginner’ versions of the more advanced obstacles.Diva Dash - Natalie Jill 4 - obstacle timeWhat is SO amazing about THIS race is the amazing “girl power” that is contagious throughout. NO woman is left behind and everybody is encouraging each other throughout the entire race!

I LOVE the team spirit and I am INTO IT! No way I’m quitting early!

Ha! I am good at something!

The obstacle part is a breeze for me… I focus so much on body weight training and core exercises that those are the parts that I REALLY enjoy.

What was amazing though, was watching everybody help each other. There were quite a few women that you could see the nervousness on their face as they approached certain obstacles, but then it just melted away as their friends and everybody around was encouraging them to DO IT.

Once they completed the obstacle you could see on their faces and in their body language that they DID feel empowered and proud of their success. I know those women felt great after accomplishing something they THOUGHT they couldn’t initially do. Whether you were giving or receiving encouragement, you couldn’t miss the changes that were taking place inside of people.

Are we there yet?

Diva Dash - Natalie Jill 2 - Crest pro health Shape Diva Dash - Sponsored by Crest Pro Health & Their New Tarter Protection Rinse

Diva Dash – Natalie Jill 2 – Crest pro health
Shape Diva Dash – Sponsored by Crest Pro Health & Their New Tarter Protection Rinse

We are at mile 2 and it is HOT and STICKY and I want to quit because, well, it is hot and sticky!! ☺

OH, and my SHINS hurt…. BUT I am making friends and encouraging these women, so I can’t quit. I don’t. And you know what, we ALL make it ☺

Would I do it again?

Of COURSE I would!

Should you do it?


All levels can do this. That means YOU too…and besides, you can go with a group of friends or you can do what I did and just make friends along the way ☺


Be Happy… Be Healthy… Be Fit!

-Natalie Jill


For my short (35 second) video recap of the Shape Diva Dash CLICK HERE

Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change the conversation around age, potential, pain and possibility. She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs and coaching sessions. As a 50-year-old female, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and help you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals. To know more about Natalie Jill, you can visit her Facebook Profile, Tiktok, and Instagram.