Natural Remedies for ADD and ADHD

Natural Remedies for ADD and ADHD

I can’t FOCUS on…  Look at the pretty dog!

Screen shot 2013-04-03 at 6.16.07 PMWhat would you do if you went to your doctor complaining of not being able to concentrate on tasks or focus on work or even reading a story? What if you mentioned that you were also experiencing anxiety, inattention, memory issues, restlessness and sleep problems, and they diagnosed you with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?  I mean, you’re a grown-up! That diagnosis is for little kids, right?!  WRONG!

According to the most recent studies, 30-70% of kids with ADD or ADHD continue having symptoms when they grow up.  Actually, many adults who were never diagnosed as children may have even more pronounced problems as adults, leading to issues at work, at home, and in personal relationships.

While kids diagnosed with ADD or ADHD usually have parents looking for solutions, adults with ADD or ADHD are left to fend for themselves, often unaware of the problem at hand. Once you have a diagnosis you have options. After doing your research and discuss your options with you doctor, you may  choose  to go down the medication path. If you are one who is looking for alternative natural remedies to help manage ADD and ADHD there are some natural options.

Dealing with ADD / ADHD – Change eating habits

Most parents dealing with kids who have ADD/ADHD report a positive change in behavior when they limit/eliminate simple carbohydrates like sugar, corn syrup, white flour, white rice, and white potatoes, refined and processed foods, and foods with chemical dyes and additives (such as asparatame, MSG, nitrites, and yellow and red artificial colors).

Think about it – if these improvements in diet and nutrition work for kids, they’ll work for adults as well! Positive behavior changes (such as a better ability to focus) have also been reported when kids and adults:

  •   Increase Healthy Proteins ( lean meats )
  •   Increase Complex Carbohydrates (organic fruits and vegetables)
  •   Increase Omega-3 Fatty Acids (can be found naturally in foods or in supplement form)

Create daily routinesScreen shot 2013-04-03 at 6.16.59 PM

Yes, the craving is always for NEW and EXCITING adventures, possibly one right after the other, but the way to balance out this urge is to establish a set routine with regularity and structure. This is about setting regular daily goals and going through the same steps each day to accomplish them, versus getting distracted and pulled into something else.

Take it to the next level (past the “daily” time frame) and you can see how the thought process might lead to creating a Vision Board. Setting long-term goals, and the daily/weekly/monthly steps required to accomplish them is a process that absolutely brings focus and direction to anyone’s life!

RELAX and reduce over stimulation

Relaxing can be really hard to do for anyone who thrives on constant movement and stimulation as it requires eliminating outside distractions and stimulants (television, video games, phone, computer, loud music or noises, social stimulation) and practicing meditation, deep breathing, or gentle yoga in a calm and controlled environment.

This is best done after school, work, activities, events, or right before bedtime, the goal is to help the central nervous system move from a sympathetic mode (“fight or flight”) to a more restorative and healthy parasympathetic mode. For parents working with kids, technology “time-outs” are critical, especially if you sense an interruption in sleep patterns or a reduced ability to concentrate.

For adults personally dealing with ADHD, a need to constantly interact via technology needs to be addressed. It may mean setting rules for when and where mobile devices can be used, and how much television or video gaming can be allowed for oneself.

MOVE…in a positive direction

Screen shot 2013-04-03 at 6.16.20 PMLearning how to focus on a specific goal and stick to “the plan” is important for anyone with ADD or ADHD. Remaining active is a great way to find that focus. Whether the activity is technical (i.e. rock climbing, mountain biking) or team-specific, participating in a sport or activity pushes you to remain attentive and alert on the goal at hand. And not only is it good for your mind, it’s great for your body!

Consider a caffeine boost

There are mixed opinions about the affect of caffeine on ADD and ADHD symptoms, and you have to be especially careful when considering giving caffeine to a child (check with your doctor first!). But positive results have absolutely been seen, so consider that cup of Java a health benefit and helping you gain focus and momentum!

The suggestions above are simply non-medicated options that may help improve the symptoms of ADHD. Consider them, talk with your doctor about them, and make the changes necessary to improve overall quality of life! It all starts with nutrition and works out from there – be patient and be consistent! Good luck!

Excuses or Solutions, YOU decide!

– Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change the conversation around age, potential, pain and possibility. She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs and coaching sessions. As a 50-year-old female, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and help you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals. To know more about Natalie Jill, you can visit her Facebook Profile, Tiktok, and Instagram.