26 Jul Notes with Natalie Newsletter Jul26

Woot it’s Friday! And that means another fun filled edition of your weekly Notes with Natalie – delivering all of the weekly highlights to your inbox!
How to Turn Set Backs into Successes
I get it. You’ve had a massive “setback” and you are in serious self beat up comparing your current self to your past self and “the way it used to be.” Let that go. LIFE HAPPENS (and when it does
…Keep learning here!
Other people’s opinions of you are none of your bees wax
Before you judge and criticize others make sure YOUR life is perfect ????
Ladies… interrupting this here. Let’s stop the judgement. For realz!
You never truly know someone else’s journey.
You never fully have “all the information” Click to get the details here!
Committing To Your Unfamiliar Possibilities with Lisa Nichols
Years ago, Lisa Nichols was a struggling single mom on public assistance and she describes the day to me that she realized she couldn’t even afford a box of pampers for her son and had to wrap him in a towel.
It was in the rock bottom that Lisa decided that she had been more committed to her familiar discomfort then to unfamiliar new possibilities..…Listen in now
Becoming a Social Entrepreneur with Miki Agrawal
Miki Agrawal is a true social entrepreneur in every sense of the phrase!
Raised by parents who never complained and always found solutions to any and every problem, Miki learned early on that there is always solutions.
She is the founder of the acclaimed farm-to-table, alternative pizza concept.…. Continue listening in here.
Stop doing 3 sets of 12
Your 3 sets of 12 will not change your body..Nor will you leaning on the elliptical for an hour.????
Ok I said it. More real talk… Giving it to you straight. It’s not that you are “older” or that “fat loss got harder” it is that you stopped working your workout.
What does that mean?…Keep learning here!
Rediscovering Joy and Prosperity in Work and Marriage by Relinquishing the Need to Control
Loved being interviewed on “turned on Podcast!”. They asked me about stuff I’ve never fully shared! Hear the whole episode by clicking HERE!
The Number One Step to Making a Change
It’s not just the “diet” “workout move” or “supplement” that stuff is the smallest part of the equation.
This is why I’m walking into something bigger and more critical…..Keep learning here!

I’m in your pocket!
Hey! Wanna workout with me? New do anywhere 7 minute follow along workouts w/ me and a free 7 day trial.
Step 1. Download the Fitplan app
Step 2. Look for me under trainers
Step 3. Start a 7 day free trial with me!
Are you in?