23 Jan How my obstacle course workout turned into a doggy poop avoiding shoe-poo-loop
How my obstacle course workout turned into a doggy poop avoiding “Shoe-Poo-Loop”
Always watch out for the doggy poop when doing the Shoe- Poo- Loop! Yes it is true- my idea for a do it yourself obstacle course workout turned into a bit of a dog poop avoiding, shoe game 🙂 Watch the full video HERE
NJFit TWEETit: EEK! Look out for the poo on the #SHOE-poo-loop! #Backyard #Fitness @NatalieJillFit
IF you want to take this workout seriously and get a great workout, here are the exercises I was doing in the DIY Obstacle Course:
Obstacle Course Workout Exercise #1 ZIG ZAG
I grabbed 8 pairs of shoes and set them up in two rows of four. I ran in a zig zag motion through the pairs of shoes.
Obstacle Course Workout Exercise #2- RUN OVERS
Next I made the shoes in a straight line, evenly spaced. Start on one end of the line of shoes and run over each pair.
Obstacle Course Workout Exercise #3 – HOP OVERS
In the same straight line, hop over each pair of shoes. Add in some heels for some extra height to your hop!
Obstacle Course Workout Exercise #4 – RUN THROUGHS
Next, in that same line, do run throughs. Start at one end and run through all of the shoes until you get to the other side.
Obstacle Course Workout Exercise #5- BENCHMARKS
This last one is meant to REALLY get your heart rate up. So keeping the shoes in a straight line, add a little more distance in between all of the shoes. The goal is to run to the first pair of shoes, and then run back. Run to the second pair of shoes, and then run back. Keep this going…then run to the eighth pair of shoes and run back! The goal is that you will be going a little further each time.
Want more? Get the BEST of my bodyweight workouts HERE!
– Natalie Jill