18 Feb Pain-Free Aging: Key Insights from The Fitness Doctor
While many of us accept joint pain, frozen shoulders, and back issues as inevitable parts of getting older – what if aging DIDN’T have to mean living with constant aches and pains? In an eye-opening conversation with The Fitness Doctor (Robbie Stahl), we uncover a revolutionary approach to physical wellness that challenges everything we thought we knew about aging and body mechanics.
Understanding the intricate connection between mind, body, and movement can not only prevent these common ailments but also help reverse existing issues. Through his three-pillar approach to physical wellness, he’s helping people in midlife rediscover what their bodies are truly capable of, proving that age is just a number when it comes to feeling strong, mobile, and pain-free.
Listen in to better understand how our bodies function, why we experience pain as we age, and most importantly, how to prevent and address these issues. He is SO knowledgeable and has helped SO MANY people in midlife (and all ages) get out of pain and become all around better functioning.
🔥 Save your spot in the FREE 5 session challenge where Robbie DEEP DIVES into this for you and your WHOLE BODY regardless of your fitness level HERE
The Three Pillars of Physical Wellness
Aging does not mean we have to be in pain! Regardless of how messed up you might feel, tackling the three optimal physical health fundamental pillars will make a HUGE difference:
- Mind, Energy, and Emotions – you’ve gotta love yourself and stop the self beat up and “no pain no gain” mentality!
- Nutrition and Lifestyle – you’ve got to follow a non-inflammatory diet free of dairy, wheat, and gluten
- Body Mechanics – we will get deeper into this below (but also deeper in the interview!)
Each component plays a crucial role in maintaining overall wellness, and neglecting any one aspect can lead to physical issues.
The Mind-Body Connection
You trained yourself into your current condition and it will take time to train yourself OUT of it. Exercising with negative thoughts, emotions, or pushing through pain actually REtrains your neurological system to associate movement with discomfort. What do you choose to inhale instead?! Attach a positive emotion to you INAHLE.
Pro Tips & Recommendations:
– Start exercise sessions with meditation and self-love
– Exhale negative thoughts and inhaling positive ones
– Focus on connecting with your body rather than pushing through pain
– Activate the parasympathetic nervous system for better results
Common Pain Issues and Their Real Causes
Knee Pain – in sum, it boils down to body misalignments and tissue functionality impairments. Knee pain root causes often include:
– Dysfunctional feet mechanics
– Poor hip muscle activation
– Misalignment due to Q-angle (especially in women)
– Weak gluteal muscles
– Overall body inflammation
Three popular “fixes” people lean to for knee pain are cortisone shots and knee replacements.
Cortisone: it changes the regeneration cycle of your cells to decrease inflammation. It’s a great quick fix like for a pro-athlete who it might make sense for to create weekend tissue in exchange for a few extra million dollars, but it does NOT lead toward a great answer in the future for the average person.
Knee replacement: Think of this like if your car is out of alignment. Your tires are getting worn out – but the tire replacement will not fix the issue because your alignment is STILL out of whack. The same with a knee replacement! It will usually be temporary, because you are still out of alignment. It’s also been shown that people typically only get about 30-50% back of optimal function in their joint with a replacement.
Barefoot shoes: This adds a significant amount of NEW stress to your body because your body will not be used to it. This can lead to new injuries and new wear and tear. Instead, this should be a step by step progressive process toward improving your functionality.
If you’re fully training your body to be optimally aligned, you’re going to have much less wear and tear on your body, reduce the stress of aging, and you will experience longer and lasting results.
Frozen Shoulder – in midlife, this tends to often correlate to drops in estrogen but it also very often stems from adhesive tissues in inflamed shoulders resulting in loss in rage of motion.
Key points about shoulder health and mobility:
– The front side of the upper body needs mobility for shoulder health
– The back ALSO needs strength for shoulder health (super important)
– Massage should focus on the front rather than the back because the tension is actually being caused from the tension on the FRONT of the body, not the back
– Most shoulder issues stem from poor scapular stability
Lower Back Pain – this is super common and it’s usually due to these contributing factors:
– Weak gluteal muscles
– Poor breathing patterns
– Improper rib and pelvis alignment
– Tight psoas muscles
– Excessive sitting
Key Tips for Better Body Function and Physical Wellness
- Focus on proper breathing and diaphragmatic work
- Maintain symmetrical hip mobility
- Strengthen posterior chain muscles
- Practice proper alignment in daily activities
- Progress gradually with any changes (like switching to minimalist shoes)
- Address inflammation through diet and lifestyle
- Build strength while respecting proper mechanics
The key to long-term physical wellness isn’t found in quick fixes or temporary solutions. Instead, it requires:
– Understanding your body’s mechanical needs
– Respecting the mind-body connection
– Addressing root causes rather than symptoms
– Taking a holistic approach to physical health
– Working on proper alignment and movement patterns
– Building strength while maintaining mobility
Remember, pain isn’t an inevitable part of aging and achieving optimal body function isn’t about finding quick fixes or temporary solutions. With proper understanding and care for your body’s mechanics, you can maintain functionality and comfort well into your later years.