How my Pinterest challenge landed me on a #1 Podcast!

How my Pinterest challenge landed me on a #1 Podcast!

OMG…I can’t believe it hit #1!

I did an interview with Chalene Johnsons Build Your Tribe Podcast and it hit number one on iTunes for all business podcast downloads!  The entire podcast is Chalene talking with me about how I grew my Pinterest account by doing a challenge, and how it can GROW yours too!  (You can  click here to see the challenge.)

How a 30 day Pinterest Challenge landed me on a top podcast!

Build Your TribeChalene is a not only a huge mentor to me, but she has become a great friend.  I was excited about her new podcast series but was blown away when she asked ME to be a guest (her FIRST Build Your Tribe guest) to talk about how I grew my Pinterest account with a Pinterest Challenge and how (and why) you can grow yours too!

You can download and listen to it for FREE right here

In the podcast,  I share EXACTLY how (and why) I did my 30 day Weight Loss Pinterest Challenge and why it was AMAZEBALLS (I think that is a made up word). Not only did it help thousands lose weight, learn new workouts and get some great recipe ideas, but the lessons learned from it now allows me to help YOU grow your social media, your brand and your business!

Hi, My Name is Natalie Jill and I am a Social Media Junkie

I am the first to admit that I am a bit of a social media junkie but I did not expect this! Just a few months ago my pinterest was a disaster. Natalie Jill Pinterest ChallengePinterest was something I really had not paid much attention to until recently. I mean I was ON there, but I never took the time to figure it out.

I am typically VERY hands on with my social media sites. Lets just call a spade a spade- I am a SOCIAL MEDIA CONTROL FREAK. I do ALL of my own Facebook and Instagram posts myself.

When I looked at Pinterest, knowing that I like to take control of my own social media, I decided that I didn’t have time to take on another one so I ignored it (initially).

Not only did I personally ignore Pinterest, but I outsourced it without really keeping an on what was being done.  Then one day I decided to take a look at it and I was SHOCKED what I had allowed to happen. .

I took back my Pinterest and had a mess to clean up!

Chalene Johnson PodcastWhat I found shocked me.

I had numbers that looked good, which is why I wasn’t paying much attention, and ASSUMED that good stuff was going on.  BUT, when I actually looked at things, what I had was a bunch of junk pinned all over the place and random followers and content to go with it.

I stopped outsourcing the Pinterest help.  I am not opposed to outsourcing, just not in the way I was doing it.  You have to be clear with what you want and you have to monitor it.  I got busy, and did neither.

Once I figured out what had happened, I spent days cleaning up my Pinterest and ‘undoing’ a lot of the ‘junk’ that had been done.  I deleted most of the boards and pins and started over.

To rebuild, I knew what I had to do.  I had to add value to my tribe.  This meant sharing content, listening to what they wanted to see, and finding ways to add value to their lives.

There was one thing I kept hearing over and over from people, so to give them what they wanted, I created a 30 day Pinterest challenge. I had no idea at the time, but Pinterest would actually be MORE fun, easier to manage, require LESS time and energy, AND generate more results for my business than many of the other social media platforms!

I never imagined that a 30 day Pinterest challenge would not only help MANY lose weight, get healthy, and learn some new recipes and exercises, but that it would explode my Pinterest account growth the way that it did! My Pinterest account went from about 3,000 followers (after I deleted all the ‘junk’) to now over 17,000 and growing.

It was after all of this that Chalene asked me to be a guest on her Podcast to share my Pinterest story and specifically how to do a Pinterest challenge!

3 Ways To Learn More!

Want to listen to the FREE podcoast?  You can listen to the FREE PODCAST  here.

Want to DO my 30 day Pinterest Challenge? GO HERE and scroll down to start at Day 1!

Want to spend TWO full days with me LIVE to learn how to build your own brand and business?  CLICK HERE to learn how!


Be Happy…  Be Healthy…  Be Fit! 

– Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change the conversation around age, potential, pain and possibility. She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs and coaching sessions. As a 50-year-old female, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and help you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals. To know more about Natalie Jill, you can visit her Facebook Profile, Tiktok, and Instagram.