Relax the Back with 5 Ways to Alleviate Lower Back Pain

Relax the Back with 5 Ways to Alleviate Lower Back Pain

Relax the Back!

You know that feeling…. YIKES! That dang lower  back pain sets in AGAIN…

BEEN there myself MANY times. If you don’t know about the struggles I had dealt with previously regarding my back, read my FULL STORY HERE FIRST

Today I am sharing some ways to alleviate that pesky lower back pain.

1. Move and Stand as much as possible

Do you notice how you start to feel when you have been sitting for long periods of time? For me, I totally notice the get stiff feeling.  I get fidgety, tired, and even feel it in my circulation. I know sometimes “sitting” is unavoidable, but we have to try to stand up and move around whenever possible.   Back Pain

The worst part of sitting is the toll it can take on our backs, especially when we tend to slouch down. If you are sitting all day this is the FIRST thing I suggest changing.

Get up and MOVE around more. What I have started to implement when I MUST sit for a long period is setting a time on my computer or phone – at that 50 minute mark I get up, walk around, even do some pushups or quick jumps to get things moving.

Sitting is SO detrimental to us that it is being coined the new “smoking” as it can be JUST as hazardous to your health.

A quick google search of the benefits of standing will reveal MANY.

Below was originally published on the Harvard Business Review blog:

Most people have jobs where they sit more than anything else. It is so prevalent that we don’t even realize how much we do it.  But it’s not healthy! While “standing” is not considered a form of exercise, health studies conclude that people should sit less, get up and move around.   

According to the Harvard Business Review: After one hour of sitting, the production of enzymes that burn fat declines by as much as 90%. Extended sitting slows the body’s metabolism.  Research shows that this lack of physical activity is directly tied to six percent of the impact for heart diseases, seven percent for type 2 diabetes, and 10 percent for breast cancer, or colon cancer.”

2. Do corrective and preventive moves daily

There are three preventive moves that I recommend doing daily to help prevent lower back pain from progressing and to help alleviate some of the pain. In this short video I go into detail on the exercises and how to do them:  click here to watch the video with 3 daily moves to help prevent lower back pain.

3. Work to develop a strong core

Our core is the middle section of our bodies but it consists of more than just our abdominals. It is the supporting area that supports our spine and skull and it consists of abs, pelvic muscles, mid and lower back muscles, and hips.  Having a strong “6 pack” does NOT mean we have a strong “core” as we can aesthetically LOOK like we have a strong core with that, but unless our bodies are moving functionally and engaging all of those core muscles we do not.

Look at your core as a series of muscles  that stabilize your entire body at rest or moving. Many of our body’s movements originate from our core, so working toward improving its strength will enhance our stability, posture, spinal alignment, help alleviate back pain and improve our balance and athletic performance.

For a series or workouts targeted at core strength development go HERE

3. Use Massage Therapyheated massage

There are so many benefits to massage therapy including INCLUDING stress reduction and pain management. Massage helps athletes at any level  recover from workouts, and relax overactive muscles.

It also can help to stretch weak and tight under active or atrophied muscles. The benefits of massage therapy are endless, but can be considered too time consuming or expensive by some. If regular massages are not do-able time wise or financially:

Considering getting a Kneading Back Massage Cushion which is inexpensive and can be used anywhere.

I personally love This Kneading Back Massage Cushion from Relax the Back . It has four heated massage heads that rotate in opposite directions that provide you with timed programs lasting up to 20 minutes.

Learn more about this HERE. The coolest part is you can attach it to your back while sitting or driving.

4. Stretch Correctly

For those of you that DO sit much of the day, consider getting a  CoreStretch from Relax the Back  It is portable, lightweight and super versatile as it can be used while sitting, standing or on floor positions.   It’s a great tool for helping you safely stretch the muscles, tendons and ligaments not only in your back, but also in your shoulders, hips and legs and it increases flexibility. Learn more about the CoreStretch HERE

lap top 5. Use a lap top on a table or stand up desk, not your lap

There are several reasons why one should not use a laptop on their lap, but most importantly, working from a laptop on your lap can also cause head, neck and wrist issues as a result of poor posture and awkward positioning of t he body.

You can avoid these issues by sitting in a comfortable chair and place the laptop on a desk or table.

Another product that can help you with the correct posture while using a lap top is the mobile Laptop freestanding table is designed to fit in wherever you need it to be, whether in your home or your office.

It’s simple…just put it together and roll it up to your office chair or couch to work comfortably on your mobile device, IPAD, read, or do paperwork. The height of the Laptop Stand is adjustable, plus you can tilt the top to your preferred angle.

A wide lip keeps things from sliding off, and they added a mini tabletop to the side for extra workspace or water that you should be drinking throughout the day. Learn more about the mobile laptop freestanding table HERE



-Natalie Jill

To learn more about my struggles with back pain and how I over came them go HERE

For my newest bodyweight workout DVD that will help you develop that CORE strength go HERE

Give me 7 days to teach you the habits that will change your life forever! Get your 7 Day Jump Start HERE.

Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change the conversation around age, potential, pain and possibility. She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs and coaching sessions. As a 50-year-old female, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and help you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals. To know more about Natalie Jill, you can visit her Facebook Profile, Tiktok, and Instagram.