How to avoid the smoothie calorie shock

How to avoid the smoothie calorie shock

Grabbing a Smoothie for a healthy fast pick me up?

NOT SO FAST- You might be in for a calorie shock- A smoothie calorie shock!

Does this sound familiar?

You’re in a hSmoothie Sticker Shock with Natalie Jillurry…late for a meeting…no time to prep your usual healthy yummy snack. But it’s OK, you think, “I’ll dash into the healthy aisle at the grocery store and grab a smoothie.” You Check the ingredients (you always do) – no gluten check- no dairy check- no added processed sugar or artificial sweeteners check- hurry gotta get going OMG dozens of choices!!

You find one that’s mostly veggies- kale, cucumber, celery, lemon juice, ginger, fruit – sounds yummers. You can grab n go.  Calories- 80 – ok not bad. WAIT A MINUTE- On second look, it says 80 cals PER SERVING, not per bottle. Oh and that small bottle 12-16 oz says 2.5 SERVINGS PER BOTTLE.

Ugh- the math I learned in grade school says that’s 200 calories PER BOTTLE. I don’t know about you, but when ISmoothie Sticker Shock with Natalie Jill buy a drink- I don’t just have ONE THIRD of the bottle and space it out over 2.5 days!?!

So you move on and start checking out the other choices- maybe this one was a bad choice. Plus, you still need some protein- now you’re REALLY  in  hurry but gotta get something – it’s gonna be a long day.

OK here’s a protein shake- quick glance at label- check- 130 calories- ok more than you wanted but ok. WHAT? ‘Serving size’ – 2 per bottle. So now your getting 260 calories!! In other words, you are facing a serious smoothie calorie shock!

How does this stack up against my usual snack or smoothies I make at home?Smoothie Sticker Shock with Natalie Jill

Fruit – (lge tangerine)  60 cals, 15g carbs handful nuts (about 12 almonds) 60 cals, 2g carbs, 3 g pro pro- 1 lge hb egg – 80 cals, 0.6g carbs, 6g pro

total snack: 200 calories, 17 carbs, 9g protein

*Store bought                                                                  cals/bottle:    carbs      grams sugar    protein g

“Super Greens”                                                                        260           56g             54g                   6g

Famous smoothie store: (small)                                         285            72g             59g                  0 g

Famous smoothie store(sm-’lean, protein shake)       1,035 (!)    145g            125g                25g

Can you say CARB CRASH?!

* Source- company websites

What can be learned from this?Dollarphotoclub_79671552

We are all so busy…We can’t always take time to eat beautiful, delish and healthy meals- especially in the middle of the day.

Here are some stay on track tips

  • READ ALL LABELS ! Very carefully!
  • A few minutes of planning ahead can prevent potential sabotage to my meal plan and my well being. All those carbs can make me feel sluggish or set up cravings
  • Things I can do:
    • make hard boiled eggs on the weekend (or buy them cooked- many stores now carry them)
    • once a week, pack up servings of nuts in baggies to grab n go
    • cook extra protein at dinner for quick snack the next day
    • put together some smoothie ingredients in a baggie in the fridge when I’ve got a few minutes. Then I can throw it in the blender and be good to go!
    • Grocery stores are catching on as we become healthier. Some stores, like Whole Foods now carry pre-packaged smoothie ingredients in the produce cooler. Throw in some nuts, maybe some protein powder, and in less than 5 minutes you are good to go!(Yes it may cost a little more)…….

“Be Happy…Be Healthy…Be Fit!”

– Natalie Jill

Want more? Here’s 45 super easy, amazing and delicious NUTRITION PACKED, Gluten Free, all natural SMOOTHIE recipes that I love HERE.

Give me 7 days to teach you the habits that will change your life forever! Get your 7 Day Jump Start HERE.

Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change the conversation around age, potential, pain and possibility. She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs and coaching sessions. As a 50-year-old female, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and help you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals. To know more about Natalie Jill, you can visit her Facebook Profile, Tiktok, and Instagram.