03 Jul How to avoid the smoothie calorie shock
Grabbing a Smoothie for a healthy fast pick me up?
NOT SO FAST- You might be in for a calorie shock- A smoothie calorie shock!
Does this sound familiar?
You’re in a hurry…late for a meeting…no time to prep your usual healthy yummy snack. But it’s OK, you think, “I’ll dash into the healthy aisle at the grocery store and grab a smoothie.” You Check the ingredients (you always do) – no gluten check- no dairy check- no added processed sugar or artificial sweeteners check- hurry gotta get going OMG dozens of choices!!
You find one that’s mostly veggies- kale, cucumber, celery, lemon juice, ginger, fruit – sounds yummers. You can grab n go. Calories- 80 – ok not bad. WAIT A MINUTE- On second look, it says 80 cals PER SERVING, not per bottle. Oh and that small bottle 12-16 oz says 2.5 SERVINGS PER BOTTLE.
Ugh- the math I learned in grade school says that’s 200 calories PER BOTTLE. I don’t know about you, but when I buy a drink- I don’t just have ONE THIRD of the bottle and space it out over 2.5 days!?!
So you move on and start checking out the other choices- maybe this one was a bad choice. Plus, you still need some protein- now you’re REALLY in hurry but gotta get something – it’s gonna be a long day.
OK here’s a protein shake- quick glance at label- check- 130 calories- ok more than you wanted but ok. WHAT? ‘Serving size’ – 2 per bottle. So now your getting 260 calories!! In other words, you are facing a serious smoothie calorie shock!
How does this stack up against my usual snack or smoothies I make at home?
Fruit – (lge tangerine) 60 cals, 15g carbs handful nuts (about 12 almonds) 60 cals, 2g carbs, 3 g pro pro- 1 lge hb egg – 80 cals, 0.6g carbs, 6g pro
total snack: 200 calories, 17 carbs, 9g protein
*Store bought cals/bottle: carbs grams sugar protein g
“Super Greens” 260 56g 54g 6g
Famous smoothie store: (small) 285 72g 59g 0 g
Famous smoothie store(sm-’lean, protein shake) 1,035 (!) 145g 125g 25g
Can you say CARB CRASH?!
* Source- company websites
What can be learned from this?
We are all so busy…We can’t always take time to eat beautiful, delish and healthy meals- especially in the middle of the day.
Here are some stay on track tips
- READ ALL LABELS ! Very carefully!
- A few minutes of planning ahead can prevent potential sabotage to my meal plan and my well being. All those carbs can make me feel sluggish or set up cravings
- Things I can do:
- make hard boiled eggs on the weekend (or buy them cooked- many stores now carry them)
- once a week, pack up servings of nuts in baggies to grab n go
- cook extra protein at dinner for quick snack the next day
- put together some smoothie ingredients in a baggie in the fridge when I’ve got a few minutes. Then I can throw it in the blender and be good to go!
- Grocery stores are catching on as we become healthier. Some stores, like Whole Foods now carry pre-packaged smoothie ingredients in the produce cooler. Throw in some nuts, maybe some protein powder, and in less than 5 minutes you are good to go!(Yes it may cost a little more)…….
“Be Happy…Be Healthy…Be Fit!”
– Natalie Jill
Want more? Here’s 45 super easy, amazing and delicious NUTRITION PACKED, Gluten Free, all natural SMOOTHIE recipes that I love HERE.
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