Social Media Marketing World 2015

Social Media Marketing World 2015

Social Media Marketing World 2015Social Media Marketing World 2015

I want to meet you!

Guess what? I was recently asked to be on a panel at the Social Media Marketing World 2015 Event; the world’s largest social media marketing conference.

This AWESOME event will take place in San Diego March 25 – 27, 2015. If you want to learn more about how to grow and thrive on Social Media this is a MUST attend event! And with over 100 sessions planned, I am super excited that I was asked to be a presenter for the PINTEREST MARKETING session:  Pinterest Marketing: How Brands Stand Out on Pinterest on Friday, March 27th at 3:00 PM.

As you can imagine, this is pretty exciting for me as I am passionate about helping others grow their brand on line! This is perfect timing because I recently launched my Pinfinity program and I am going to be sharing all sorts of tips for you to get started on YOUR pinterest account or to learn how to take your Pinterest account to the next level!

Want to attend this event? Go HERE to register!

“Be Happy…Be Healthy…Be Fit!”

– Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change the conversation around age, potential, pain and possibility. She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs and coaching sessions. As a 50-year-old female, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and help you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals. To know more about Natalie Jill, you can visit her Facebook Profile, Tiktok, and Instagram.