24 Jun Stability Ball Workout Routine
Stability Ball Workout Routine
I recently recorded a quick real-time workout over on my Snapchat and I wanted to share it with you here. You can watch the video of the entire workout and follow along by reading below where I walk you through each exercise.
Optional Equipment needed:
- Foam Roller
- Yoga mat
- Rings or Pull up bars
- Stability Ball
- A sturdy chair or workout bench
Here is the step-by-step of the exercises I did:
Warm up:
Foam Roll, Dynamic Hip Flexor Stretch, Glute Activation
Alternating PLANKS and PULL UPS (repeated through 3 times)
Handstand Pushups, Hamstring Curls, Glute Bridges, Plank to Pike Rolls, Dips and Walk-Ins (I repeated the sequence two times through)
Final steps :
Glute Dips, Ab Rolls, Core Control on Stability Ball
ALL of these are bodyweight exercises but they are INTENSE. I am a fan of starting from where you are and PROGRESSING and challenging yourself to do what is intense for YOU! Work towards STRONGER!
Get the BEST of my workouts in my DVD programs HERE
Work Towards Stronger! Get my STRONGER program HERE
“Be Happy…Be Healthy…Be Fit!”
-Natalie Jill