17 Dec Sticking to New Year’s Resolutions
Sticking to New Year’s Resolutions and Fitness Goals
Oh my gosh how time FLIES! I can’t believe that the New Year is already right around the corner! With the New Year comes those GOALS again and sticking to those New Year’s Resolutions IS going to happen this year! THIS YEAR is YOUR year. You are going to not only stick to those goals, but you are going to surpass them. I am holding you ACCOUNTABLE!
***No really…keep reading (or go directly to the bottom of this blog post) if you would like to have ME keep you accountable in the New Year!***
Three Tips on how to really stick to those New Year’s Resolutions, fitness and weight loss goals!
Tip #1 – Decide/Commit
As basic as it sounds, you have to DECIDE and COMMIT to making these changes.
Tip #2 – Pick a Plan or Program that is Realistic
This too, sounds so basic, but if a specific plan is asking that you eat five small meals throughout the day and you’re in a job or position that doesn’t allow you to take that time out to eat during those time frames, that plan is not going to work for you!!! And it goes without saying… the same thing if the plan you are on requires hours of cardio and you only have 30 minutes in your day, it’s not going to work. You want something that not only adds and fits into your lifestyle, but is REALISTIC for your lifestyle.
Tip #3 – Be Accountable
Be accountable to yourself and find others you can be accountable to whether a group, family member or friend. WHO is it that you can share what you’re after and they will help you stick to your goals?
Want to be accountable to ME?
Well, GUESS WHAT!? I’ve never done this before, but for the FIRST TIME EVER, I am creating a small group, but just for a limited number of you that want to be ACCOUNTABLE to ME!
People have asked for this in the past, and this year I’m making it a reality. This accountability group will be made of like minded individuals that REALLY want to change, and it will allow me to be able to focus on the group and help YOU get the results you are after in this new year.
You are going to have my full attention (with some additional help and support from my personally trained coaching staff) and direct support for 30 days starting on January 5th.
Yup…that way you can enjoy NYE, and take the weekend to travel home, rest, relax, whatever you need to do to get ready to ROCK on Monday the 5th.
In addition to daily emails, you will have access to a PRIVATE group where you will get DAILY motivation, workout, meal planning help, support… EVERYTHING you need to start 2015 off with the best, most productive 30 days ever.
Plus, when you get a group of motivated people together with similar goals in mind, ALL sorts of great things can happen when they start feeding off each others positive energy. And yes, you will still have access to each other in the private accountability group even when the 30 days are complete.
Want in? Want to be a part of this accountability group? For less than the price of 1 personal training session, or about a weeks worth of gourmet coffee’s on the way to work, you can be part of something special and start 2015 off on a the right foot. Not only that, but there will be special discounts and much more for members of this group.
Remember, space is limited, so don’t wait. It WILL sell out, and you don’t want to be looking back in February wishing you hadn’t let $49.95 stand between you and another year going by without taking action. – Sign up now –
I look forward to interacting with some of you come January! It is going to be a life changing month!
Happy New Year!
“Be Happy…Be Healthy…Be Fit!”
– Natalie Jill