Ultimate Core and Ab Workout -VIDEO

Ultimate Core and Ab Workout -VIDEO

Ultimate Core and Ab workout

Getting after it today! Working the CORE and ABS with 7 key exercises. Before we get started on the exercises, I want to share my BIGGEST most important tip with you for how to strengthen your core:

Make sure you engage your core all the time, no matter what you’re doing

Yes, I meant what I wrote. Engaging that core through daily activity is the ultimate trick to a “strong core”. I want you to think about doing this as you are walking, doing household chores, standing in line, wherever…. always think “Natalie Jill said to engage my core!” 🙂

Ultimate Core and Ab Workout… here we go!

Ultimate Core Exercise #1 The Plank

This is and always will be my favorite ab exercise – the PLANK.  Take it down to the ground in plank position on your forearms, squeezing your glutes and abs and HOLD. You don’t want to let your body sink down and you should never feel discomfort or pressure in your lower back. When holding a plank position, you are engaging all of your muscles. HOLD this position as long as you can.  Maybe start with a 15 second goal and work yourself up to 90 seconds – two minutes.

Ultimate Core Exercise #2 Toe Taps From Plank PositionHow to do a plank natalie jill

Staying in plank position, take that toe and tap side to side.

Ultimate Core Exercise #3 Plank with a “Twist”

This one gets a little tricky, but you can watch the video to view form.  You will come out of plank position on your forearms and up to your hands, activating arms, shoulders and chest and pull that leg through to the other side, twist the opposite arm up (creating the letter “T”) and bring it back down and repeat on other side.

Ultimate Core Exercise #4 The Lean Back

Get down on your knees, place your hands out in front of you and slowing lean back and forward.  You want to hold your abs in, and just lean back with very tiny, short movements. You can start with five sets and work yourself up to whatever is challenging for you.

Ultimate Core Exercise #5 The VHands to Toe Abs Natalie Jill

Lie on your back, arms up above your head, and lift arms and legs up into the letter “V”, while keeping your lower back planted in the floor at all times.

Ultimate Core Exercise #6 Shimmies

Lie on your back with your head slightly off the ground, bend your knees and shimmy, working those obliques (concentrating on one side at a time). Do this four times on each side, switch and repeat.  Try and do a total of 16 on each side. You can do it!

Ultimate Core Exercise #7 Opposite Elbow to Opposite KneePlank knee to elbow natalie jill

Take back into a plank position, slightly twisting that body as you take that knee to reach the opposite elbow. Continue switching sides.

I always say that there is no magic number of repetitions, just do whatever feels challenging to you!


-Natalie Jill

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Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change the conversation around age, potential, pain and possibility. She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs and coaching sessions. As a 50-year-old female, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and help you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals. To know more about Natalie Jill, you can visit her Facebook Profile, Tiktok, and Instagram.