What are you so busy for?

What are you so busy for?

What are you so busy for?

Are you so busy? Like always?

Being “too busy” for myself, my health, or those I care about is a place I no longer wish to be.

I used to wear “busy” like a badge. I felt important, productive, and even needed. If my schedule was full I was important. I thought this was working until I realized it wasn’t. 

You see, when we live in a state of busy, and hustling and “go go go”, and if we don’t make time for what we “say” is really important to us, it will ALWAYS fizzle out and ultimately go away.

Too busy to believe me?

If we are too busy to eat healthy foods our health will eventually reflect that and suffer.

If we are too busy to move and workout, our physical condition will decline and eventually deteriorate.

If we are too busy to challenge our selves and learn new things, our minds will lose memory, focus and deteriorate.

And most importantly- if we are too busy for those we say are “our important loved ones ” they will fade away too…and what kind of life would that be?

The saddest part about being so busy

By the time we realize this (and we all eventually will) the damage may be irreversible. Our health is gone, our bodies are wrecked, our minds are stressed, and those we love stop trying. They give up on us, and then we fill our schedules with more and more just to be busy so we can distract ourselves from the reality.

The cycle continues.

I now know that being “too busy” just means we don’t have priorities right.

What are you “too busy for?”

And are those things you are doing that are keeping you busy and away from your real priorities REALLY worth the cost? To me, the answer is NO.

If at the end of my life the only things people remember me for was that I made TIME for them and that I made them feel listened to, “heard”, special, and that they matter, I will know I made my years count.

I have not previously done a good job of this at all. I have been selective in who I do this for and crazy stingy with my love and time.

Because I have been TOO BUSY.

We (especially me) all have things we hear that we SHOULD change about ourselves but we spend that time validating those traits as positive ones and instead believing everyone ELSE needs to change.

I’ve been wrong about this and I see it so crystal clear now. More importantly, I’m determined to fix it. It may not be comfortable, easy, or quick — but I’m determined.

I am committed to changing this in myself one connection at a time — one less BUSY moment at a time.

Why? Because the REAL me is not “an introvert”, someone with “ADHD”, a “controlling business shark that makes it happen at all cost”, or someone who “shuts everyone else out that doesn’t have those same validating qualities.”

The real me is NOT too busy for what REALLY matters.

The real me instead looks something like this: I AM A PLAYFUL , PRESENT, LOVING WOMAN- and I have been in hiding for too long. I’m 45 now and my life finally started. Watch out world.

-Natalie Jill


Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change the conversation around age, potential, pain and possibility. She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs and coaching sessions. As a 50-year-old female, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and help you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals. To know more about Natalie Jill, you can visit her Facebook Profile, Tiktok, and Instagram.