Media Appearances

Natalie Jill Media Appearances

See Natalie Jill in various TV appearances, interviews, and more.

She has been featured on Fox Sports, ABC, CBS, Livestrong, and many more.

Get fitness tips, nutrition advice, gluten free information and much more!

New clips are added on a regular basis.  Be sure to check out Natalie’s eHow video series HERE.

Learn how to get ABSolutely Ripped with Natalie Jill – UT TV

Get the toned and ripped abs that you have always wanted with these insider tips from fitness expert and Master Licensed Sports Nutritionist Natalie Jill


Getting your Body Back




Alleviating Back Pain





How to eat gluten free the RIGHT way! 

Gluten free is all the rage, but if you aren’t careful you can gain weight. Learn how to avoid the common mistakes that lead people to gaining weight when going gluten free.



The ‘Skinny’ On Protein Bars – Are you eating a glorified candy bar?  Find out!

Everybody  has heard about protein bars and how they are supposed to help you gain muscle, lose weight, and give you energy.  BUT, is what you are eating really good for you?  Find out what to look for in a quality protein bar.





Tone Your Tummy With Natalie Jill – KUSI San Diego

Learn how to get that flat belly with these tips from Natalie Jill.


Note:  This is an older media appearance before Natalie had to remove ‘crunches’ from her regular ab routine.  If you are healthy, crunches can still be part of an ab program, but if you have back or posture issues, there are better exercises as discussed HERE.