Slimmer With a Shimmer

Slimmer With a Shimmer

Feel Slimmer With an iTan Shimmer

Who doesn’t want to feel better about themselves?  iTan – Our image of ourselves plays such a huge role in how we feel, what we do, and how we come off to other people. When we feel uncomfortable in our own skin we may become lethargic, depressed and moody.

Natalie Jill fitness

Other people will notice the insecurity, and react negatively towards people who are bitter and down on themselves.  Feeling bad about yourself can lead to a downward spiral of poor habits such as eating poorly, skipping workouts, and trying to mask your feelings with alcohol.

As a Fitness model and Licensed Sports Nutritionist I not only have to look my best, but I am responsible for advising my clients how feel better about themselves so they can make better choices with their nutrition.  Feeling better about yourself is a critical first step in becoming a healthy, positive, and likeable person that others will want to hang around with.  I always recommend working out and eating right but one of the more important things I talk about with clients is body image and how they can improve theirs.

Why I Partner with ITan  I am a fan of any businesses that promotes well being. With the right “well being” services, body image can improve which results in a healthier, happier more productive YOU!  Itan Sun and Spa is one of those companies! I love their services. Two of their services that I use frequently I would recommend to ANY of my clients that want to feel better about themselves:

  • Fit Bodywraps are not only incredibly relaxing, but they also help me eliminate excess water safely. As a female who experiences that dreaded water retention and weight gain during ‘that time’ of the month, the Fit Bodywrap helps eliminate the water weight safely and effectively!
  • Mystic Spray Tans Are not what spray tanning used to be. They are NOT orange; they are a very natural looking brown, and the color can be adjusted from lighter to darker depending on your skin tone. The tans last several days and the process is quick and easy.   It takes less than 5 minutes from start to finish, and get this, the spray tanning booths are HEATED!  Once you leave the booth, your great looking tan will start showing up in about 4 hours.  I choose to spray-tan once or twice a week because it makes me look better, which in turn makes me feel better about myself.  A nice tan also makes you look leaner, smaller, more defined, which is why it is often required for photoshoots, but I choose to stay tan year round.

In addition to bodywraps and tanning, iTan also has a host of other ‘feel good’ services.  From teeth whitening, to skin rejuvenating facials, aqua massages, and other skin nourishing services; check out their website for more info, locations, and pricing.

I have been using their tanning services for years, and their company is always growing, so I am very excited about my partnership with them!

-Natalie Jill
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Natalie Jill

Natalie Jill is a leading Fat Loss Expert and high-performance coach. She helps you change the conversation around age, potential, pain and possibility. She does this through a SIMPLE and FUN unique method that you can find in her best-selling books, top-rated podcasts, interactive programs and coaching sessions. As a 50-year-old female, she KNOWS the struggles and pain that can come with aging! She takes the guesswork away and help you kill the F.A.T. (False Assumed Truths) holding you back from achieving your goals. To know more about Natalie Jill, you can visit her Facebook Profile, Tiktok, and Instagram.